Call for Applications: Peitho Journal Editor(s)

Call for Peitho Editor/Co-Editors

The Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition (CFSHRC) is seeking an editor–or a pair of co-editors–for Peitho, our quarterly peer-reviewed online journal, beginning June 1, 2025, with early onboarding to begin on or around January 1, 2025.

In supporting the Coalition’s mission, Peitho seeks to publish research that advances the feminist study of our profession, including

  • Peer-reviewed scholarly texts (i.e., essays, webtexts, standalone videos);
  • Book reviews;
  • Recoveries and Reconsiderations;
  • Special edited content, including scholarship presented at the Coalition’s Wednesday night CCCC session.

In cooperation with an associate editor (Jennifer Nish will hold this position until Summer 2026) and Peitho’s editorial team, the editor has purview over the editorial content and production process of the journal, including forming the editorial board, issuing calls for papers, refining the journal’s submission process, and publishing the journal. The editor also has the support of its Editorial Board and of the Coalition’s Executive Board for all matters requiring approval.

Qualifications: A strong candidate or candidate team will have:

  • A strong record of feminist academic work, including research and scholarship, teaching, mentoring, and service;
  • A strong record of affiliation with the Coalition (i.e., membership, Coalition-related service work, participation in Feminisms and Rhetorics conferences, involvement in Peitho);
  • Working knowledge of available resources for digital scholarship and digital publication;
  • Demonstrated skill or relevant experience with information management and task delegation;
  • Relevant editorial experience and a vision for the future of the journal;
  • A career record of collaboration or coalition-building, as well as outstanding planning and communication skills;
  • A firm commitment of support from their home institutions (i.e., release time, interns or research assistants).


  • Serve as editor for four years, assuming responsibility for Peitho 27.1 (Fall 2025) through Peitho 30.4 (Summer 2029);
  • Manage the submission, editorial, and online publication processes for four issues of Peitho per year (Fall launched by December; Winter launched by March; Spring launched by June; and Summer launched by September) in coordination with the Associate Editor;
  • Maintain and model good communication with members of the editorial team and with authors;
  • Participate in the search for a new Associate Editor and Web Coordinator when needed;
  • Serve as an ex officio (nonvoting) member of the CFSHRC Advisory Board and attend regular Board meetings at the Wednesday afternoons at CCCC and during the biennial Feminisms and Rhetorics conference.


Upon approval from the Coalition’s Executive Board, the Editor(s) shall be allocated an annual operating budget of up to $3,000 per year, in an account established by the Editor(s), to provide funding for software and technology, training, interns, stipends, publicity, and other costs associated with the development of regular and special issues. In addition, Editors receive a $250 courtesy remuneration each year, as well as free conference registration (up to $250) each year.

Applicants should email a CV and cover letter, describing their qualifications and detailing how their institution will support their editorship, to Tarez Graban,, by September 30, 2024. Application review and interviews will be completed by November 30. Sample application letters are available upon request, and several members of Peitho’s editorial team and editorial board are on hand to answer questions about the role or to offer ad-hoc mentoring in advance of the application deadline. Please send all queries to Tarez Graban at


Glenn AtA Session: There Are Writing Emergencies, 6/11/24 2-3:30 Eastern Time

Dear Colleagues,

Please join us for our summer 2024 Glenn AtA Session, “There Are Writing Emergencies,” on Tuesday, June 11 from 2-3:30PM ET! This is our final Glenn AtA until the Fall 2024.

Here are the details and registration information:

Session Title: There are Writing Emergencies: Strategies for Discernment and Prioritization in our Personal and Professional Writing Lives
Presenters: Holly Hassel and Kate Pantelides
Date and Time: Tuesday, June 11, 2-3:30 PM ET

Registration Link:

It has long been held in the field of rhetoric and writing that “There Are No Writing Emergencies,” an admonition is usually intended as a way to relieve stress that comes up around deadlines, or to allay panic on the part of writing students, teachers, or program administrators. Our edited collection, There Are Writing Emergencies: Composing (Ourselves) in Times of Crisis aims to clarify what are emergencies, what is not an emergency, and what just feels like an emergency.

In this 90 minute workshop, participants will develop strategies for navigating “writing emergencies.” The facilitators will start by describing the focus of the work in their edited collection and sketch out a framework for navigating the increasingly accelerated composing environments in our lives. Throughout the workshop, participants are invited to work through a series of interactive activities with several goals:

  • To self-assess the composing landscape of their work and personal contexts
  • To develop strategies of discernment and prioritization in their composing lives
  • To build from feminist advocacy and self-care work toward a vision for professional sustainability

Presenter Biographies
Holly Hassel is professor of writing studies and director of composition at Michigan Technological University. She has served as chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, editor of Teaching English in the Two-Year College, and currently co-chairs the MLA/4Cs Task Force on AI and Writing. Her scholarship and research focuses on writing program administration, writing assessment, and supporting students’ transitions to college literacies and has appeared in many journals and books. Her most common emergencies involve first-year student writers, graduate student instructors, and two teenage children, as well as her leadership roles in shared governance and national professional service responsibilities.

Alt Text: Profile Photo of Professor Holly Hassel

Kate Pantelides is associate professor of English and Provost’s Fellow at Middle Tennessee University. Her research and teaching address feminist rhetorics, research methods, and innovative pedagogies. Most recently, she co-edited a special issue of The Journal of Writing Assessment focused on methods of student self-placement with the amazing Erin Whittig, who has talked her down in the face of numerous writing stressors. Both her emergencies and joys often revolve around her two middle school-aged children, her anxious and adorable dog, her excellent partner, and her tendency to overextend in university and national disciplinary service.

Alt Text: Profile Photo of Professor Kate Pantelides

Call for Submissions & Volunteers: Winifred Bryan Horner Outstanding Book Award and Nancy A. Myers Feminist Research Grant

The Coalition is pleased to accept nominations for two upcoming awards – the biennial Winifred Bryan Horner Outstanding Book Award and the biennial Nancy A. Myers Feminist Research Grant! Descriptions, eligibility guidelines, and links to submission instructions for both awards are below. To see a list of past award winners, and to learn more about our awards in general, please visit

We’re also seeking additional award committee members for both awards. Reviewers will receive my deepest gratitude and will get the chance to read some excellent books and/or learn about cutting edge, emerging research! If you are interested in helping adjudicate either award, please reach out to me at as soon as possible to let me know.

I am happy to answer any questions about the awards or the award committees.

All best,
Wendy Sharer, Immediate Past President and Awards Coordinator


The Winifred Bryan Horner Outstanding Book Award is presented biennially in even years for work in the field of composition and rhetoric to recognize outstanding scholarship and research in the areas of feminist pedagogy, practice, history, and theory. The award carries a $200 honorarium and will be presented at the Wednesday evening meeting of the Coalition at the 2024 Conference on College Composition and Communication.

An eligible nomination will have been published in the two years previous to the year of the award. (For example, a work eligible for the 2024 award will have been published in calendar year 2022 or 2023.) Single or multiple authored books, as well as edited volumes, are eligible. We welcome nominations from authors, editors, publishers, or readers. To be eligible for the award, a nominee must be a member of Coalition at the time of nomination.

Please see the Horner Award Page for review criteria and application details. Nominating statements and 5 (five) physical or electronic copies of the nominated book are due to Wendy Sharer ( by December 1, 2023.


The Nancy A. Myers Feminist Research Grant is also presented biennially in even years to help researchers discover, pursue, or continue feminist projects that require funding and funded activities. This award provides up to $700 for eligible activities, including – but not limited to – archival research, translation, interview transcription, and digital archivization and/or digital project development. It will be presented at the Wednesday evening meeting of the Coalition at the 2024 Conference on College Composition and Communication.

Please see the Myers Award Page for eligibility requirements and application details. Application materials are due to Wendy Sharer ( by January 10, 2024.

Seeking Donations for Fundraising Auction at FemRhet 2023

The CFSHRC Development Team seeks donated items for a silent auction at FemRhet 2023. Proceeds from the auction will be used to sustain/expand the Shirley Wilson Logan Diversity Scholarship and the Nan Johnson Outstanding Graduate Student Travel Award in future years. Descriptions of both awards, from the Coalition’s website, are included below.

Items should be small and light so that you can bring them to the conference with you and so that winning bidders can transport them back from Atlanta. Such items might include handicrafts, books, jewelry, clothing, etc. We also request that items connect in some way to the theme of the conference—“Feminisms and Reckonings: Interrogating Histories and Harms, Beginning Restorative Practices”—and/or to the mission of the Coalition.

If you have questions or are interested in donating an item, contact Wendy Sharer, Immediate Past President and Development Team Chair, at If you are considering donating an item, please provide the following in your email:

  • a brief description of the item
  • a photograph of the item (if possible)
  • a reasonable opening bid amount for the item

Thank you for your efforts to assist fellow feminist scholars and teachers. I look forward to seeing everyone at Spelman in a couple month!

-Wendy Sharer, Immediate Past President

The Shirley Wilson Logan Diversity Scholarship
The purpose of the Shirley Wilson Logan Diversity Scholarship award is to encourage feminist scholarship (particularly historical in nature) by graduate scholars from diverse and historically un or underrepresented groups. The award will be given to first-time presenters at the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference. The award includes both a monetary award ($500 each for up to 6 awardees) and participation in a specially designated session at the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference.

The Nan Johnson Outstanding Graduate Student Travel Award
The Nan Johnson Outstanding Graduate Student Travel Award is presented biennially in odd years to graduate students working in the field of composition and rhetoric and it recognizes outstanding scholarship and research in the areas of feminist pedagogy, practice, history, and theory. The award is designed to enable students to attend the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference by providing $200.00 travel stipends plus conference registration.

Graduate Student Awards–Feminisms & Rhetorics 2023!

Attention Graduate Students!

Notices about Feminism and Rhetorics sessions have now gone out. If you plan to attend the conference, consider applying for one or both (you may apply for both, if applicable) of these awards. Please share widely. Applications for both awards are due July 14, 2023.


The Shirley Wilson Logan Diversity Scholarship is presented biennially in odd years to encourage feminist scholarship (particularly historical in nature) by graduate scholars from diverse and historically un or underrepresented groups.

The award is given to first-time presenters at the Feminisms & Rhetorics conference. The award includes both a monetary award ($500 each for up to 6 awardees) and participation in a specially designated session at the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference.

Please see the award description for eligibility criteria, previous recipients, and application details. Applications are due July 14, 2023.


The Nan Johnson Outstanding Graduate Student Travel Award is presented biennially in odd years to graduate students working in the field of composition and rhetoric and it recognizes outstanding scholarship and research in the areas of feminist pedagogy, practice, history, and theory.

The award is designed to enable students to attend the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference by providing $200.00 travel stipends plus conference registration. The awards will be announced at the 2023 Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference.

See the award description for eligibility criteria, previous recipients, and application details. Applications are due July 14, 2023.

Please feel free to contact me ( with any questions. I look forward to receiving your applications!

-Wendy Sharer, Immediate Past President and Awards Coordinator

FOUR Upcoming Awards: Call for Nominations!

Coalition Friends,

While we are not even halfway through April, I know that June and July will come quickly, so I want to make sure that you have these FOUR upcoming award deadlines on your radars:

  1. The 2023 Presidents Dissertation Award (6/15 deadline)
  2. The Lisa Ede Mentoring Award (6/15 deadline)
  3. The Shirley Wilson Logan Diversity Scholarship Award (7/7 deadline: requires acceptance to Feminism & Rhetorics Conference)
  4. The Nan Johnson Graduate Student Travel Award (7/7 deadline; requires acceptance to Feminisms & Rhetorics Conference)

I encourage you nominate yourself or others for the Presidents Dissertation Award and the Lisa Ede Mentoring Award, and I hope that, after acceptance notices come out for the 2023 Feminisms & Rhetorics Conference, you will consider applying for the Nan Johnson and/or Shirley Wilson Logan Awards! Details about each of the awards follow.


The CFSHRC Presidents Dissertation Award is given to the author(s) of a recently completed doctoral dissertation that makes an outstanding contribution to our understanding of feminist histories, theories, and pedagogies of rhetoric and composition. This award is adjudicated every year and carries a $200.00 honorarium. The award will be conferred at the 2023 Feminisms & Rhetorics Conference, September 30 – October 3, at Spelman College in Atlanta.

Please see the award description for eligibility criteria, previous award winners, and application details. Applications are due June 15, 2023.


The Lisa Ede Mentoring Award is presented biennially in odd years to an individual or group with a career-long record of mentorship. In this case, “mentoring” can include formal and informal advising of students and colleagues; leadership in campus, professional and/or local communities; and other activities that align with the overall mission and goals of the Coalition. The award carries an honorarium of $200 per person or $500 for a group of three or more people and is announced at the Feminisms & Rhetorics Conference.

Please see the award description for eligibility criteria, previous award winners, and nomination/application details. Applications are due June 15, 2023.


The Shirley Wilson Logan Diversity Scholarship is presented biennially in odd years to encourage feminist scholarship (particularly historical in nature) by graduate scholars from diverse and historically un or underrepresented groups.

The award is given to first-time presenters at the Feminisms & Rhetorics conference. The award includes both a monetary award ($500 each for up to 6 awardees) and participation in a specially designated session at the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference.

Please see the award description for eligibility criteria, previous recipients, and application details. Applications are due July 7, 2023.


The Nan Johnson Outstanding Graduate Student Travel Award is presented biennially in odd years to graduate students working in the field of composition and rhetoric and it recognizes outstanding scholarship and research in the areas of feminist pedagogy, practice, history, and theory.

The award is designed to enable students to attend the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference by providing $200.00 travel stipends plus conference registration. The awards will be announced at the 2023 Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference.

See the award description for eligibility criteria, previous recipients, and application details. Applications are due July 7, 2023.

Please feel free to contact me ( with any questions. I look forward to receiving your nominations and applications!

-Wendy Sharer, Immediate Past President and Awards Coordinator

FemRhet 2023: Awards Committees Volunteers Needed

Hello Coalition!

By now you have likely seen the exciting CFP for Feminisms and Rhetorics at Spelman College, September 30- October 3. In anticipation of this amazing event, the Coalition needs your help reviewing submissions for a handful of awards to be presented in Atlanta.Are you able to help by serving on an award committee? If so, please follow this link and complete the brief survey of interest: to be made at FemRhet 2023 are described briefly below. More details about each award, including submission and past recipient information, can be found on the CFSHRC website’s Awards page:

  • The 2023 Presidents Dissertation Award is given to the author(s) of a recently completed doctoral dissertation that makes an outstanding contribution to our understanding of feminist histories, theories, and pedagogies of rhetoric and composition. This award is adjudicated every year and carries a $200.00 honorarium. 
  • The Shirley Wilson Logan Diversity Scholarship Award is intended to encourage feminist scholarship (particularly historical in nature) by graduate scholars from diverse and historically un or underrepresented groups.  The award will be given to first-time presenters at the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference and includes both a monetary award ($500 each for up to 6 awardees) and participation in a specially designated session at the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference.
  • The Nan Johnson Graduate Student Travel Award is presented biennially in odd years to graduate students working in the field of composition and rhetoric and it recognizes outstanding scholarship and research in the areas of feminist pedagogy, practice, history, and theory. The award is designed to enable students to attend the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference by providing $200.00 travel stipends plus conference registration.
  • The Lisa Ede Mentoring Award is presented biennially in odd years to an individual or group with a career-record of mentorship, including formal and informal advising of students and colleagues; leadership in campus, professional, and/or local communities; and other activities that align with the overall mission and goals of the Coalition. The award carries an honorarium of $200.00 per person or $500.00 for a group of three or more people and is announced at the biennial Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference.

My thanks in advance for your willingness to help, and feel free to contact me at if you have questions. -Wendy Sharer, Immediate Past President and Awards Coordinator

MENTORS NEEDED: CFSHRC Online Mentoring Program

In response to continued interest, the Coalition is again offering our online mentoring program this year. A version of the announcement below about the program went out in early September, and we received many responses, but we received several more requests for mentors than we can accommodate based on the number of people who volunteered to serve as mentors.  If you are able to serve as an online mentor, please contact Wendy Sharer (, Immediate Past President, at your earliest convenience.  

We welcome all who are interested, but we have particular need for scholars who can help in the following research and professional development areas:

  • Article and/or book preparation, including dissertation-to-publication advice
  • Time management and work/life balance
  • Rhetorics of science, health, and medicine
  • Feminist pedagogy
  • Digital rhetorics/writing
  • Administration/moving into administrative roles

My sincere thanks in advance for your assistance!

-Wendy Sharer, Immediate Past President


CFSHRC Online Mentoring Program, 2022-2023

Whether you are new to the program or are returning to it, the online mentoring arrangement is a way for us to share knowledge about research, teaching, activism, and professional development by matching mentor-mentee pairs who will collaboratively establish a schedule whereby the mentee can make good progress on an agreed-upon project (i.e., job market/prepping application materials; planning research projects/fieldwork; writing/revising materials for publication; developing a syllabus; applying for grants; etc.) within six months or less. Mentors and mentees may continue to work together beyond one six-month cycle if desired.

We want to be as flexible as possible so that mentoring pairs can figure out what works best for them, but we do offer some suggestions for getting started:

  • Determine which specific project you would like to work on with a mentor, or whether you would like help with less tangible things, such as gaining confidence in coursework or dealing with challenges in your workplace.
  • Determine how long you plan to commit. You may wish to start with a six-month commitment, and see how it goes.
  • Determine how often you would like to check-in with your mentor/mentee. Do you want to engage weekly, bi-weekly, monthly? What makes the most sense for your goals and schedules?
  • Determine which medium works best for your relationship (Zoom, WebEx, Facetime, email, phone, etc.).

Feel free to direct any questions to

All best,

Wendy Sharer,
Immediate Past President

CFSHRC 2022 Volunteer Survey

Today, April 15th, marks the end of my term as President of the Coalition. The CFSHRC has accomplished a lot in the past 2 years, in spite of a global pandemic that prevented us from meeting in person. I cannot thank everyone who contributed to our many initiatives and events enough!! I am very excited to see where our new Advisory Board and Executive Board, headed by President Jessica Enoch, will take us next.

As we move forward, I hope all Coalition members and supporters will continue generously offering their time, effort, and brilliance to existing and emerging Coalition initiatives. To this end, I ask that you take a few moments to complete the 2022 CFSHRC Volunteer Survey ( We have many possibilities—of varying types and time commitments—available for you to engage with our work, and we *need* your support to make that work happen!

Please complete the survey by no later than Wednesday, May 4th.

With much gratitude,

Wendy Sharer,  Immediate Past President

The Coalition Seeks an Archivist/Historian (apply by April 20, 2022)

CFSHRC Archivist and Historian: Call for Applicants

The Coalition invites applications for the position of Archivist and Historian. The person in this role will oversee the curation, organization, navigation, and promotion of the Coalition’s administrative archive, which contains meeting minutes, organizational correspondence, and other similar documents related to the Coalition as well as the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference and Peitho journal.

Position description: The CFSHRC Archivist and Historian will take responsibility for building and maintaining the Coalition’s archives in both digital and, as relevant, analog forms. This work will include ongoing collection and curation of administrative documents from members of the CFSHRC Executive and Advisory Boards, the Conference Site Hosts for the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference, and the editorial team of Peitho. The Archivist and Historian will also actively pursue the acquisition of relevant materials from past and present CFSHRC members.

Building on the substantial, foundational work of our first Archivist and Historian, Alexis Ramsey-Tobienne, the Archivist and Historian will also oversee the organization and searchability of the materials currently included in the Coalition’s digital archive and will design and implement initiatives to publicize materials held therein and to educate current and future members of the Coalition about the organization’s challenges and accomplishments.

Appointment and eligibility: The CFSHRC Archivist and Historian will be selected by a committee established by the CFSHRC President and will serve a 2-year term that will conclude in April 2024, with the option of reapplication and reappointment for a total of three, two-year terms served. This role will have Ex Officio status on the Advisory Board unless the individual appointed is already an elected Advisory Board member. All CFSHRC members are eligible to apply except next term’s officers (including the Member-at-Large). Applicants must be current members of the Coalition. To confirm membership status, please contact Coalition Treasurer Jane Greer at

To apply: By Wednesday, April 20th, email a cover letter and current CV to outgoing Coalition President Wendy Sharer at ( In the cover letter, please explain

  • your interest in the position,
  • your ideas for fulfilling the role,
  • your qualifications, including (but not limited to) relevant experience with archival work and scholarship.

Potential applicants are welcome to send preliminary questions to Wendy Sharer (