The CFSHRC has long had mentoring as a key and vital component of its mission. To this end, we offer multiple opportunities for members to receive mentoring in various capacities.
- CCCC Mentoring Tables: Every year at our annual CCCC Wednesday night SIG, the Coalition hosts an hour of mentoring tables, offering junior and senior scholars the chance to talk together on topics such as developing new historical research methodologies, doing feminist WPA work, finding or maintaining a work-life balance, composing in digital spaces, and performing activism, to name only a few. These mentoring tables are open to anyone attending the CCCC each year.
- Fellowship Pods Program: Distinct from the Coalition’s other, more traditional mentoring programs that offer guidance regarding professionalization and publication, Fellowship Pods provide space–online and/or in person, as determined by Pod members–for small groups of Coalition members to think, organize, and revel with other members around collectively chosen topics and shared interests. This non-hierarchical program aims to encourage participants to establish and maintain relationships with the Coalition membership beyond the confines of Feminisms and Rhetorics and CCCC conferencing; to foster community building and membership collaboration on research, teaching, and community engagement and social justice projects; and to disrupt charismatic models of leadership in the Coalition. Please contact Sherita Roundtree (, Executive Board Member-at-Large, if you are interested in learning more about the Fellowship Pods Program.
- Feminisms and Rhetorics: The Feminisms and Rhetorics conference offers a manuscript mentoring program sponsored by the Coalition for scholars working on a project at any stage — from early conception to a completed manuscript. This program occurs during the biennial Feminisms and Rhetorics conference, during a dedicated session where mentors meet in person with scholars to discuss their work. Many such conversations also extend well beyond the conference.
- Online Mentoring Program: This program offers Coalition members an opportunity to share knowledge about research, teaching, activism, and/or professional development. This program matches mentor-mentee pairs who collaboratively establish a schedule whereby the mentee can make good progress on an agreed-upon project (i.e., job market/prepping application materials; planning research projects/fieldwork; writing/revising materials for publication; developing a syllabus; applying for grants; etc.) within six months or less. Mentoring sessions occur via online video platform (Zoom, WebEx, or similar) and may be supplemented, as possible and desired, with face-to-face meetings. Please contact Immediate Past President, Wendy Sharer ( if you would like to volunteer as a mentor, or to receive mentoring.
- Peitho Journal Mentoring: While Peitho‘s submission and peer review process already operates on a model that helps authors move manuscripts to publication, Peitho also offers a mentoring program specifically for developing manuscripts. The journal’s editors will match writers with mentors when a manuscript shows promise but it is either not ready to go out for review or comes back with suggestions for significant revision. Mentors work one on one with writers to help them evolve their manuscripts from draft to re-submission.