Call for Submissions & Volunteers: Winifred Bryan Horner Outstanding Book Award and Nancy A. Myers Feminist Research Grant
The Coalition is pleased to accept nominations for two upcoming awards – the biennial Winifred Bryan Horner Outstanding Book Award and the biennial Nancy A. Myers Feminist Research Grant! Descriptions, eligibility guidelines, and links to submission instructions for both awards are below. To see a list of past award winners, and to learn more about our awards in general, please visit
We’re also seeking additional award committee members for both awards. Reviewers will receive my deepest gratitude and will get the chance to read some excellent books and/or learn about cutting edge, emerging research! If you are interested in helping adjudicate either award, please reach out to me at as soon as possible to let me know.
I am happy to answer any questions about the awards or the award committees.
All best,
Wendy Sharer, Immediate Past President and Awards Coordinator
The Winifred Bryan Horner Outstanding Book Award is presented biennially in even years for work in the field of composition and rhetoric to recognize outstanding scholarship and research in the areas of feminist pedagogy, practice, history, and theory. The award carries a $200 honorarium and will be presented at the Wednesday evening meeting of the Coalition at the 2024 Conference on College Composition and Communication.
An eligible nomination will have been published in the two years previous to the year of the award. (For example, a work eligible for the 2024 award will have been published in calendar year 2022 or 2023.) Single or multiple authored books, as well as edited volumes, are eligible. We welcome nominations from authors, editors, publishers, or readers. To be eligible for the award, a nominee must be a member of Coalition at the time of nomination.
Please see the Horner Award Page for review criteria and application details. Nominating statements and 5 (five) physical or electronic copies of the nominated book are due to Wendy Sharer ( by December 1, 2023.
The Nancy A. Myers Feminist Research Grant is also presented biennially in even years to help researchers discover, pursue, or continue feminist projects that require funding and funded activities. This award provides up to $700 for eligible activities, including – but not limited to – archival research, translation, interview transcription, and digital archivization and/or digital project development. It will be presented at the Wednesday evening meeting of the Coalition at the 2024 Conference on College Composition and Communication.
Please see the Myers Award Page for eligibility requirements and application details. Application materials are due to Wendy Sharer ( by January 10, 2024.