Since we last wrote you to you, the Coalition Advisory Board has met and conducted a thorough and thoughtful discussion regarding concerns surrounding the travel advisory for Kansas City, Missouri. As a result of our discussion, and informed by the decisions made by the Queer Caucus to hold an event virtually and the Latinx Caucus to boycott the conference, the Coalition Advisory Board has voted to officially cancel the Wednesday night SIG for 2018.
This has been a difficult and painful decision for the Coalition. We have a long and engaged relationship with the Cs convention, which will continue in the future.
We encourage members to make their own decisions about attending the larger Cs conference and fully respect individual decisions.
Currently our plans to move forward include:
1. Investigating the possibility of a Coalition presence at RSA in May 2018,
2. Publishing this year’s intended Cs talks as a special edition of Peitho,
3. Identifying actions that we can take to support people of color on the ground in Missouri, specifically graduate students, faculty members, local organizations or workers
We are writing today to not only inform you of this decision, but also to ask for your suggestions, comments, and concerns for moving forward. Responses can be anonymous; if you would like feedback, please leave your contact information. Click here to leave comments:
Yours in solidarity,
The Executive Board, Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition