25th Anniversary Gala Celebration
The Executive Board would like to announce that plans are well underway for the Coalition’s 25th Anniversary Gala celebration, to be held in Indianapolis on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Grand Ballroom III (Second Floor), at the JW Indianapolis Marriott. One such plan involves restoring and re-using the 2008 Coalition history video produced by Wendy Sharer and Michelle Eble. Additionally, Alexandra Hidalgo — Assistant Professor of Rhetoric, Writing, and American Cultures at Michigan State University, and co-founder of Agnès Films — has agreed to produce a new documentary project on the Coalition as a history-in-the-making, which means she will be taking videography throughout the Gala event.
To continue two long-standing traditions, the Gala will feature engaging speakers and mentoring tables, and our speakers — all past presidents of the Coalition at various moments in its history — will, in the spirit of a roundtable discussion, focus on their interpretations of the Coalition’s scholarly and civic impacts on rhetoric and composition, and on future goals and directions for feminist scholars working in the field. We hope you will join us there for a special reception and celebration! We also hope you will take some time to help us envision those future goals and directions by contributing to the CWSHRC 2014-16 survey.
Until the Gala,
Elizabeth Tasker-Davis
Nancy Myers
Jenn Fishman
Lisa Mastrangelo
Tarez Samra Graban
Jaque McCleod Rogers