March 25, 2021/by CFSHRC DMODInEvents, News Event: “Art in the Time of Chaos” featuring Alexandra Hidalgo
March 20, 2021/by CFSHRC PresidentInAnnouncements, Coalition, News, President's Blog Denouncing Anti-Asian Rhetoric
March 15, 2021/by CFSHRC AdminInAnnouncements, Calls, Coalition, Events More Awards and a Call for Awards Committee Members
February 15, 2021/by CFSHRC AdminInAnnouncements, Calls, News Upcoming Awards: Nominations reminder and call for Nan Johnson, Shirley Wilson Logan, and Lisa Ede Awards
December 20, 2020/by CFSHRC PresidentInAnnouncements, Calls, Coalition, Events, News, President's Blog Call for Proposals: Feminist Workshop @ Conference on Community Writing 2021
November 17, 2020/by Peitho Editorial-TeamInAnnouncements, Calls, Peitho, Peitho Announcements, Peitho Call for Papers, Peitho Call for Submissions CFP: On Race, Feminism, and Rhetoric
November 9, 2020/by CFSHRC DMODInNews, Uncategorized Event: Intersectional Feminism & Digital Aggression: Research Experiences and Approaches
October 29, 2020/by CFSHRC PresidentInAnnouncements, Coalition, News, President's Blog Honoring Kate Ronald