Peitho Volume 23 Issue 2 Winter/Spring 2021

Volume 23 Issue 2, Winter 2021
Tribute to Kate Ronald, compiled by Charlotte Hogg and Meredith Love
Editor: Jen Wingard, University of HoustonAssociate Editor: Temptaous McKoy, Bowie State University
Editorial Assistant: Rachelle A.C. Joplin, University of Houston
Web Coordinator: Jen England, Hamline University
Cover Art: Lisa Blankenship, Baruch College
A Tribute to Kate Ronald
Tributes to Kate Ronald
Compiled by Charlotte Hogg and Meredith Love
Tags: in memoriam, Kate Ronald, tribute
Compiled by Charlotte Hogg and Meredith Love
Tags: in memoriam, Kate Ronald, tribute
Justice for All: The Womanist Labor Rhetoric of Nannie Helen Burroughs
Veronica Popp and Danielle Phillips-Cunningham
Tags: feminism, labor, organizing, Race, womanism
Veronica Popp and Danielle Phillips-Cunningham
Tags: feminism, labor, organizing, Race, womanism