Peitho Volume 24 Issue 2, Winter 2022

Volume 24 Issue 2, Winter 2022
Editor: Rebecca Dingo, Clancy RatliffAssociate Editor: Temptaous McKoy
Editorial Assistant: Ashley Canter, Stacy Earp, Stacie Klinowski
Web Coordinator: Kelli Lycke
Cover Art: bell hooks by Angélica Becerra. Her art is available for purchase here:
In Memoriam: Bell Hooks
A Haunted Dwelling Place: Honoring bell hooks
Ashley Canter
Tags: Appalachia, bell hooks, in memoriam
Ashley Canter
Tags: Appalachia, bell hooks, in memoriam
Leading with Love, or a Pedagogy of Getting the Hell Over Myself
Chelsea Bock
Tags: bell hooks, in memoriam
Chelsea Bock
Tags: bell hooks, in memoriam
Finding Home: Cultivating a Culture of Belonging
Kristy Liles Crawley
Tags: bell hooks, belonging, in memoriam
Kristy Liles Crawley
Tags: bell hooks, belonging, in memoriam
Book Reviews
Review of Digital Black Feminism (Knight Steele 2021)
KáLyn Banks Coghill
Tags: Black women, book review, Digital Blackness, inclusion, technology
KáLyn Banks Coghill
Tags: Black women, book review, Digital Blackness, inclusion, technology
Cover description: a light orange-pink color background with line drawings of leafy plants on the bottom left and top right corners. Inset in the left side of the image is a drawing based on a close-up photograph of bell hooks. She is wearing a yellow long-sleeved blouse with embroidery around the neckline and around the cuff. She is resting her chin on her left hand and has a thoughtful facial expression. In the lower right corner are the words “Peitho Volume 24.2 Winter 2022.” The drawing of hooks is by Angélica Becerra, an artist and postdoctoral teaching fellow at Washington State University, and is used with permission. Her art is available for purchase here: