Glenn AtA Session: There Are Writing Emergencies, 6/11/24 2-3:30 Eastern Time
/in Announcements, Calls, President's Blog, UncategorizedDear Colleagues,
Please join us for our summer 2024 Glenn AtA Session, “There Are Writing Emergencies,” on Tuesday, June 11 from 2-3:30PM ET! This is our final Glenn AtA until the Fall 2024.
Here are the details and registration information:
Session Title: There are Writing Emergencies: Strategies for Discernment and Prioritization in our Personal and Professional Writing Lives
Presenters: Holly Hassel and Kate Pantelides
Date and Time: Tuesday, June 11, 2-3:30 PM ET
Registration Link:
It has long been held in the field of rhetoric and writing that “There Are No Writing Emergencies,” an admonition is usually intended as a way to relieve stress that comes up around deadlines, or to allay panic on the part of writing students, teachers, or program administrators. Our edited collection, There Are Writing Emergencies: Composing (Ourselves) in Times of Crisis aims to clarify what are emergencies, what is not an emergency, and what just feels like an emergency.
In this 90 minute workshop, participants will develop strategies for navigating “writing emergencies.” The facilitators will start by describing the focus of the work in their edited collection and sketch out a framework for navigating the increasingly accelerated composing environments in our lives. Throughout the workshop, participants are invited to work through a series of interactive activities with several goals:
- To self-assess the composing landscape of their work and personal contexts
- To develop strategies of discernment and prioritization in their composing lives
- To build from feminist advocacy and self-care work toward a vision for professional sustainability
Presenter Biographies
Holly Hassel is professor of writing studies and director of composition at Michigan Technological University. She has served as chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, editor of Teaching English in the Two-Year College, and currently co-chairs the MLA/4Cs Task Force on AI and Writing. Her scholarship and research focuses on writing program administration, writing assessment, and supporting students’ transitions to college literacies and has appeared in many journals and books. Her most common emergencies involve first-year student writers, graduate student instructors, and two teenage children, as well as her leadership roles in shared governance and national professional service responsibilities.
Alt Text: Profile Photo of Professor Holly Hassel
Kate Pantelides is associate professor of English and Provost’s Fellow at Middle Tennessee University. Her research and teaching address feminist rhetorics, research methods, and innovative pedagogies. Most recently, she co-edited a special issue of The Journal of Writing Assessment focused on methods of student self-placement with the amazing Erin Whittig, who has talked her down in the face of numerous writing stressors. Both her emergencies and joys often revolve around her two middle school-aged children, her anxious and adorable dog, her excellent partner, and her tendency to overextend in university and national disciplinary service.
Alt Text: Profile Photo of Professor Kate Pantelides
2024 Nancy A. Myers Feminist Research Grant
/in Announcements, CCCC, Coalition, News, President's BlogI am happy to share the news that the recipient of the 2024 CFSHRC Nancy A. Myers Feminist Research Grant, a biennial award of up to $700 for scholars to pursue or continue feminist projects, is Dr. Amy Gerald. Assistant Professor of English
at the University of South Carolina, Lancaster. Dr. Gerald’s article, “Finding the Grimkés in Charleston: Using Feminist Historiographic and Archival Research Methods to Build Public Memory,” appeared in Peitho 18.2 (2016). The grant will help carry that work forward by partially funding travel to the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (MSRC) at Howard University to access undigitized material in the Archibald Grimké and Angelina Weld Grimké papers, with a goals of, to quote from her grant application, “recovery of theBlack members of the Grimké family” and “creating public memory within Charleston and beyond.”
The grant committee found the proposal robust, focused, clear, and in line with Coalition goals. As one committee member noted, “The idea of being able to recover Black descendants of the Grimké sisters already promises to make a significant intervention into existing feminist rhetorical narratives of 19th century womanist and suffragist rhetoric. Gerald has well-laid plans for conducting the research and disseminating its results.”
Dr. Gerald earned her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a specialty in Rhetoric and Composition. She also has a graduate certificate in Women’s Studies, an MA in English from Appalachian State University, and a BA in English from Wake Forest University. Dr. Gerald’s scholarship lies at the intersection of feminism, rhetoric, and writing, with work appearing in journals such as Peitho, Composition Studies, JAC, Feminist Teacher, the Writing Lab Newsletter and the edited collection The Teacher’s Body: Embodiment, Authority, and Identity in the Academy (SUNY P, 2003).
Congratulations to Dr. Gerald! We look forward to hearing and reading more about the project in the future.
In closing, I want to thank the committee members who carefully and thoughtfully reviewed the proposals for this award cycle:
- Jaclyn Fiscus-Cannaday, Florida State University
- David Gold, University of Michigan, *Committee Chair
- Tarez Samra Graban, Florida State University
- Kim Hong Nguyen, University of Waterloo
- Ana Milena Ribero, Oregon State University
Your contributions to the Coalition are greatly appreciated!
Wendy Sharer, Immediate Past President and Awards Coordinator
2024 Winifred Bryan Horner Outstanding Book Award Recipients
/in Announcements, CCCC, Coalition, Events, President's BlogA little over a week ago, the Coalition had the pleasure of recognizing recipients of the Winifred Bryan Horner Outstanding Book Award at our CCCC Wednesday evening event in Spokane. The Horner Award recognizes outstanding scholarship and research in the areas of feminist pedagogy, practice, history, and theory and carries a $200.00 honorarium. For this award cycle, the selection committee read and discussed 20 outstanding, diverse books—monographs and edited collection from multiple presses—published in calendar year 2022 or 2023. From among this impressive pool of nominated books, the committee selected two winners and four honorable mentions.
Our first award winner is Heather Brook Adams for her book, Enduring Shame: A Recent History of Unwed Pregnancy and Righteous Reproduction (U of South Carolina P, 2022). Dr. Adams is associate professor of English and a cross-appointed faculty member in the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. In addition, she has coedited Inclusive Aims: Rhetoric’s Role in Reproductive Justice (Parlor P, 2024) with Nancy Myers, and her work has appeared in journals including Quarterly Journal of Speech, Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, Rhetoric Review, Women’s Studies in Communication, Peitho, Computers and Composition, and Pedagogy as well as in several edited collections. She currently directs the UNCG Humanities Network and Consortium.
Our second award winner is V. Jo Hsu for their book, Constellating Home:Trans and Queer Asian American Rhetorics (Ohio State UP, 2022). Dr. Hsu is assistant professor of Rhetoric & Writing at the University of Texas at Austin. They approach rhetorical studies through the lens of disability justice, queer and trans of color critique, and critical ethnic studies. The questions driving their work are: What can the field(s) of rhetoric do to foster connection and care across difference? And, what stories must we tell to remake worlds conducive to one another’s thriving? You access most of their work via
Honorable mentions were conveyed to the following scholars:
Jane Greer for Unorganized Women: Repetitive Rhetorical Labor and Low-Wage Workers, 1834-1937 (U of Pittsburgh P, 2023). Dr. Greer is a Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professor in the English Department at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, where she is also affiliated faculty member with the Center for Digital and Public Humanities. Her archival research focuses on the rhetorical performances and literacy practices of women and girls in the United States in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and she has collaborated with museums and cultural institutions across the Kansas City region to create opportunities for students to share stories of our collective past by composing museum tours and creating exhibits.
Leigh Gruwell for Making Matters: Craft, Ethics, and New Materialist Rhetorics (Utah State UP, 2022). Dr. Gruwell is associate professor of English at Auburn University, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in writing and rhetoric. Gruwell’s research centers on digital, feminist, and new materialist rhetorics as well as composition pedagogy and research methodologies. Along with Charles N. Lesh, she is the editor of Mentorship/Methodology: Reflections, Praxis, Futures.
Jennifer Nish for Activist Literacies: Transnational Feminisms and Social Media Rhetorics (U of South Carolina P, 2022). Dr. Nish is associate professor of rhetoric and composition at Michigan Technological University. Her research engages with transnational feminism, digital media, activist rhetoric, and disability. Her research is also published in College Composition and Communication, Peitho, and several edited collections. Her current projects include a co-edited collection (with Belinda Walzer, Mais Al-Khateeb, and Sweta Baniya) titled (Re)Mobilizing Solidarity in/and Transnational Feminist Rhetorics and a book project that explores the activism and advocacy of people with Long Covid and myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).
Jacqueline Jones Royster for Making the World a Better Place: African American Women Advocates, Activists, and Leaders, 1773-1990 (U of Pittsburgh P, 2023). Dr. Royster is former Ivan Allen Jr. Chair in Liberal Arts and Technology and Dean of the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts at the Georgia Institute of Technology (2010-2019), and Professor Emerita at both The Ohio State University and Georgia Tech. In addition to Making the World a Better Place, her book publications include Double-Stitch: Black Women Write about Mothers and Daughters (co-edited, 1991); Southern Horrors and Other Writings: The Anti-Lynching Campaign of Ida B. Wells-Barnett (1997; 2nd edition 2016), Traces of a Stream: Literacy and Social Change among African American Women (2000), Profiles of Ohio Women, 1803-2003 (2003); Calling Cards: Theory and Practice in the Study of Race, Gender, and Culture (co-edited, 2005); Feminist Rhetorical Practices: New Horizons in Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy Studies (co-authored with Gesa Kirsch, 2012, and recipient of the 2014 Horner Book Award); one college textbook and two school textbook series. She is also past recipient of The Mina P. Shaughnessy Prize and the Frances Andrew March Award from the MLA and the Braddock Award and the Exemplar Award from CCCC. She has also been named a Fellow of the Rhetoric Society of America.
Congratulations to all recipients!
The Coalition would like to extend sincere gratitude to the members of the 2024 Winifred Bryan Horner Outstanding Book Award committee:
- Risa Applegarth, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
- Nicole Clawson, University of Utah
- Regina Duthely-Barbee, University of Puget Sound
- Nanette Hilton, College of Southern Nevada, *Committee Chair
- Jennifer Love, Lane Community College
THANK YOU for all you do for the Coalition!
-Wendy Sharer, Immediate Past President and Awards Coordinator
Glenn AtA Session: Building Coalitions in the Face of Anti-DEI Laws (4-19; 2-3:30 EST)
/in Coalition, President's BlogPlease join us for our next fabulous Glenn AtA Session on Friday, April 19, 2024; 2-3:30 ET! Here are the details:
Session Description: A Practical Conversation: Building Coalitions in the Face of Anti-DEI Laws
In the past few years, legislation across the nation has passed enacting anti-DEI laws and anti-literacy laws. This session will largely be an opportunity for conversation and offer a space for participants to discuss responses and reactions to the latest legislation in their local contexts, in addition to sharing ideas about how individuals and groups are working/have worked to establish community and organize around DEI issues. Participants should come prepared to share their experiences and their ideas.
Here is the link to register:
Discussion Leader Bios:
Natasha N. Jones is a technical communication scholar and co-author of the book Technical Communication after the Social Justice Turn: Building Coalitions for Action (winner of the 2021 CCCC Best Book in Technical or Scientific Communication). Her research interests include social justice, narrative, and technical communication pedagogy. She holds herself especially accountable to Black women and marginalized genders and other systemically marginalized communities. Her work has been published in several journals including Technical Communication Quarterly, the Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, and the Journal of Business and Technical Communication. She has received national recognition for her contributions and currently serves as the President for the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW). She is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University in the African American and African Studies department.
Sarah Dwyer (they/them/theirs) is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Language, Literature, and Arts at Texas A&M University—San Antonio and a PhD candidate in the Technical Communication and Rhetoric program at Texas Tech University. Their teaching, scholarship, and service is focused on engaging the structures that maintain and bolster the exclusionary practices of heteronormativity, racism, and classism within the academy, particularly for LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff. Their work has appeared in Double Helix and Peitho, and they are the winner of the 2023 Kathleen Ethel Welch Outstanding Article Award for their article “A Question of Affect: A Queer Reading of Institutional Nondiscrimination Statements at Texas Public Universities”.
Winter 2024 issue of Peitho: Live!
/in Coalition, President's BlogGlenn Advancing the Agenda series (3/27 @12pm): “AI in the Classroom: Ethics, Academic Integrity, and Equity”
/in Coalition, President's BlogPlease join our second webinar in the Cheryl Glenn Advancing the Agenda series titled “AI in the Classroom: Ethics, Academic Integrity, and Equity.”
In this webinar, Anna Mills (Cañada College) and Kathryn (Katie) Conrad (University of Kansas) will each share approaches to academic integrity, ethics, and student rights and invite the audience to weigh in through polling on challenging questions around AI and pedagogy. Discussion will follow, during which they will ask each other questions and encourage audience participation.
We will convene on Wednesday, March 27 from 3:00-4:30pm Eastern Time/ 12:00pm-1:30pm Pacific Time. Please register here:
Anna Mills (she/her) has taught community college English for 18 years and currently teaches at Cañada College. She serves on the MLA/CCCC Task Force on Writing and AI and curates an AI resource list for the Writing Across the Curriculum Clearinghouse. Anna has published an OER textbook, How Arguments Work, that has been used at over 65 colleges, as well as essays on AI in The Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed.
Kathryn (Katie) Conrad (she/her) is Professor of English at the University of Kansas. She is the author of A Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights for Education (Critical AI 2.1), has published several articles and book chapters on technology and culture, and runs an occasional Substack blog, “Pandora’s Bot,” on technology and culture, with a current focus on generative AI. She is co-director (with Sean Kamperman) of the AI & Digital Literacy project, in partnership with the National Humanities Center and the Hall Family Foundation; is on the founding advisory board for Harvard’s AI Pedagogy Project; and has spoken on critical AI literacy at the University of Kansas, Rutgers University, and Kansas State University.
The Coalition thanks Kate Tirabassi (Director, Center for Research & Writing and Professor of Communication/English, Keene State College) and Déirdre Carney (Teacher/Mentor, Fusion Academy) and the Advancing the Agenda committee for organizing this event!
Graduate Student Pop-in Open House
/in Coalition, President's Blog, UncategorizedGraduate students, please join us!
The Graduate Student Engagement Committee will host a pop-in Open House for graduate students, held on Friday, March 22, from 2-4pm Eastern / 11-1pm Pacific.
Across a series of 30 min. sessions, members of the Graduate Student Engagement Committee will solicit your ideas around support, mentoring, and engagement. We’ll offer you space to connect with other graduate student members so you can share ideas and resources to sustain and advance your feminist work.
We look forward to connecting with you! And please pass this information along to anyone who might be interested in joining us!
- Risa Applegarth, on behalf of the Graduate Student Engagement Committee:
- Liane Malinowski
- Elizabeth Novotny
- Salena Parker
- Karen Tellez-Trujillo
- Register using this link or scan the QR code below.
- Pop in and out every half hour; stay for one session or several.
- Open to all graduate students! Even if you aren’t (yet) a Coalition member, we’d love to see you pop in.
CFP: Topic Proposals for Summer 2025 Peitho Special Issue
/in Coalition, President's BlogCFP: Topic Proposals for Summer 2025 Peitho Special Issue
The Peitho Editorial Team invites those interested in serving as guest editors to send topic proposals for the Summer 2025 special issue of Peitho. We invite topic proposals on a wide range of topics related to feminist theories and gendered practices, including but not limited to:
- archival scholarship
- digital interventions
- emerging pedagogies
- feminist methodologies
- global rhetorics
- historical research
- Indigenous studies
- institutional critiques
- issues of embodiment
- LGBTQ+ studies
- minoritized rhetorics
- rhetorical theory
Special issues can include traditional scholarly articles as well as other kinds of projects, such as video content (with captions), Recoveries and Reconsiderations pieces, manifestos, and book reviews. Guest editors are expected to adhere to the practices expressed in the Anti-Racist Scholarly Reviewing Practices: A Heuristic for Editors, Reviewers, and Authors statement.
Examples of past special issues of Peitho:
- Fall/Winter 2014, “The Critical Place of the Networked Archive”
- Fall/Winter 2015, “Looking Forward: The Next 25 Years of Feminist Scholarship in Rhetoric and Composition” (25th anniversary of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition)
- Summer 2019, “Rhetorical Pasts, Rhetorical Futures: Reflecting on the Legacy of Our Bodies, Ourselvesand the Future of Feminist Health Literacy”
- Summer 2020, “Transgender Rhetorics”
- Summer 2021, “On Race, Feminism, and Rhetoric”
- Summer 2023, “Coalition as Commonplace: Centering Feminist Scholarship, Pedagogies, and Leadership”
Topic proposals for special issues should include the following:
An editorial board-facing description (1000-1500 words) of the idea for the special issue, along with an explanation of why the guest editors (you) are interested in the topic. What needs will this special issue meet — in research, teaching, academia, and/or community work? Have other journals had special issues on this topic? Have scholarly presses published edited collections on this topic? If so, how would this special issue build on the previous work? This description should include a brief review of the previous scholarship on the topic and a bibliography.
A public-facing call for article proposals (500-750 words): this can use some of the same language as the description for the editorial board, but it should also include a timeline and criteria for review of proposals and brief explanation of the review process. Invited submissions are acceptable if there is transparency about these decisions, so invited submissions need to be addressed in the public-facing call for proposals if guest editors plan to invite submissions, such as for a cluster conversation. Book reviews and Recoveries and Reconsiderations pieces should be addressed in the public-facing CFP as well, if those are planned as part of the special issue.
CVs from the prospective guest editors: If this is a collaboration, please provide a brief note about previous collaborative projects and/or how and why you decided to form a partnership together for this proposal.
The editorial board and editorial team will review topic proposals using the following criteria from our reviewer guidelines:
- Timeliness of or need for research on the topic (new or little-known material? New understanding of known material?)
- Engagement with current scholarship in rhetoric and feminist studies
- Commitment to methods and practices of feminist scholarship
Topic Proposals for Summer 2025 Special Issue Due: April 12, 2024
Decision from Editorial Board: May 17, 2024
Cheryl Glenn Webinar Series for Advancing the Agenda: Dr. Ada Hubrig, “Scaling Collective Access: From Your Presentation to Our Field,” Friday, March 15
/in Coalition, President's BlogWe have re-scheduled our first event in the Cheryl Glenn Webinar Series for Advancing the Agenda for this academic year. Dr. Ada Hubrig will present “Scaling Collective Access: From Your Presentation to Our Field” on Friday, March 15 from 3:00-4:30pm Eastern Time/12:00pm-1:30pm Pacific Time. Please register here:
In this webinar, Dr. Ada Hubrig asks us to consider collective access and its implications for fostering community. Beginning with implementing access in our own work, Ada asks us to consider how we can scale access, by reimagining conference spaces to reimagining the work of our field–and academia more broadly–through collective access. The webinar will feature a presentation followed by a group discussion.
Ada Hubrig (they/them; Twitter @AdaHubrig) is an autistic, genderqueer, disabled caretaker of cats. They live in Huntsville, Texas, where they work as an assistant professor and Co-Director of Composition at Sam Houston State University. Their scholarship centers disability and queer/trans communities, and is featured in College Composition and Communication, Community Literacy Journal, and The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics among others, and their words have also found homes in Brevity and Disability Visibility. Ada is managing editor of Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics.
Captioning will be available for this webinar. Please be in touch with Nancy Small ( or JWells ( regarding any additional ways the Coalition can make this meeting accessible to you.