Entries by CFSHRC President

Graduate Student Pop-in Open House

Graduate students, please join us! The Graduate Student Engagement Committee will host a pop-in Open House for graduate students, held on Friday, March 22, from 2-4pm Eastern / 11-1pm Pacific.  Across a series of 30 min. sessions, members of the Graduate Student Engagement Committee will solicit your ideas around support, mentoring, and engagement. We’ll offer […]

CFP: Topic Proposals for Summer 2025 Peitho Special Issue

CFP: Topic Proposals for Summer 2025 Peitho Special Issue The Peitho Editorial Team invites those interested in serving as guest editors to send topic proposals for the Summer 2025 special issue of Peitho. We invite topic proposals on a wide range of topics related to feminist theories and gendered practices, including but not limited to: archival scholarship digital interventions emerging […]

Cheryl Glenn Webinar Series for Advancing the Agenda: Dr. Ada Hubrig, “Scaling Collective Access: From Your Presentation to Our Field,” Friday, March 15 

We have re-scheduled our first event in the Cheryl Glenn Webinar Series for Advancing the Agenda for this academic year. Dr. Ada Hubrig will present “Scaling Collective Access: From Your Presentation to Our Field” on Friday, March 15 from 3:00-4:30pm Eastern Time/12:00pm-1:30pm Pacific Time. Please register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErcuCtrDstH9FNndXNq__94C5z3WUluLJT In this webinar, Dr. Ada Hubrig asks us to consider collective […]

Announcing the Fall 2023 Issue of Peitho

The Peitho Editorial Team is pleased to announce the Fall 2023 issue! You’ll find articles by Kristy Crawley, Lisa Mastrangelo, and Zoe McDonald analyzing gender in the history of rhetoric in both the distant and recent past. This issue offers two Cluster Conversations, the first of which is “Addressing The Barriers Between Us and that […]

Cheryl Glenn Webinar Series for Advancing the Agenda: “Scaling Collective Access: From Your Presentation to Our Field” (Feb. 2; 3-4:30pm EST)

Please join Coalition colleagues in our first event in the Cheryl Glenn Webinar Series for Advancing the Agenda for this academic year, “Scaling Collective Access: From Your Presentation to Our Field.” In this webinar, Dr. Ada Hubrig asks us to consider collective access and its implications for fostering community. Beginning with implementing access in our […]

Cheryl Glenn Webinar Series for Advancing the Agenda: “Scaling Collective Access: From Your Presentation to Our Field” (Feb. 2; 3pm EST)

Please join Coalition colleagues in our first event in the Cheryl Glenn Webinar Series for Advancing the Agenda for this academic year, “Scaling Collective Access: From Your Presentation to Our Field.” In this webinar, Dr. Ada Hubrig asks us to consider collective access and its implications for fostering community. Beginning with implementing access in our […]

 Apply to serve on the advisory board for the CFSHRC!

Who? You! Any CFSHRC member can apply to serve on the advisory board: grad students, K-12 teachers, early career faculty, community college faculty, advanced faculty, emerita faculty, and alt-ac members.  What? The CFSHRC advisory board is composed of 30 elected members. Seven (7) AB members serve on the executive board as the president, vice president, […]

Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition Statement about Gaza and Israel

Dear Coalition Members,  As bell hooks reminds us, feminist solidarity is not homogeneity: “rather than pretend union, we would acknowledge that we are divided and must develop strategies to overcome fears, prejudices, resentments, competitiveness, etc.” (hooks, “Sisterhood,” 137).   With this in mind, we, the members of the Coalition’s Advisory Board, write to you—not with a […]

Cheryl Glenn Webinar Series for Advancing the Agenda

Greetings, Coalition!   I’m thrilled to announce that the Advisory Board has voted to rename the “Advancing the Agenda Webinar Series” to the “Cheryl Glenn Webinar Series for Advancing the Agenda” and to fund the series, finances permitting, at $500 per year.    Cheryl has been an amazing supporter of the series and of the […]

Summer 2023 Issue of Peitho

We are pleased to announce the Summer 2023 issue of Peitho! It is a special issue with the title “Coalition as Commonplace: Centering Feminist Scholarship, Pedagogies, and Leadership.” The guest editors are Aurora Matzke, Louis M. Maraj, Angela Clark-Oates, Anyssa Gonzalez, and Sherry Rankins-Robertson. It has thirteen articles in sections titled: Coalition in Theory/Praxis in the […]