Tributes to Jan Swearingen (1948-2017)

Tributes to Jan Swearingen (1948-2017)
Peitho Volume 20 Issue 1 Fall/Winter 2017
Author(s): Cheryl Glenn, Hui Wu, Jennifer Bay, Beth Brunk-Chavez, Rachelle A.C. Joplin, Cynthia Haynes, LuMing Mao, Susan C. Jarratt, Kathleen Ethel Welch
Texas A & M Professor Carolyn Jan Swearingen would have been 69 on August 18, 2017. She died on June 1, 2017, after being diagnosed with a mean and aggressive form of cancer in early December 2016. A powerful classicist, stalwart feminist, loyal colleague, and loving friend, Jan is remembered by many of us who worked closely with her.
The following professional tributes could be ordered in a number of ways, but I’ve chosen to arrange them from the personal to the pedagogical to the professional. All of these tributes offer harmonious tones of mourning, celebration, and appreciation. The final tribute offers advice on how we might best continue to honor Jan’s intellectual legacy.—Cheryl Glenn