Annual Coalition Wednesday Evening Event: Online, 3/23, 6-8 PM (Eastern)
The Coalition is pleased to announce that we will host our annual “Wednesday Evening Event” via Zoom again this year. While we were not able to fit the session into the limited schedule for the now virtual Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), we hope you will join us for an engaging evening of discussion about the guiding values and priorities of feminist scholars, teachers, and activists in the field. Details are below.
Note that registration, which is free, is required. Registrants will receive a program for the event via email as the date nears.
What do we really value?
Creating a Shared Values Statement to Guide Inclusivity
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
6:00-8:00 PM, via Zoom
with Chicago-based facilitator Julia Perkins, Founder and Chief Strategist, MBMD Strategic Consultants