Follow #FemRhet2017 Online

Whether you are at home or with us in Dayton for the Feminisms and Rhetorics 2017 Conference, we hope that you follow along and engage with the conference conversations on our social media feeds. We are delighted to have a full team of social media curators who are going to be working hard to live-tweet sessions, create connections among panels, and offers ways to engage with the conference for those who aren’t able to attend in person.

Follow along on Twitter @femrhet2017 and on Facebook @Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference 2017. And you can participate by using our hashtag #FemRhet2017 Or one of our other favorite hashtags: #TeamFemRhet #TheFeministsAreComing #FemRhetSyllabus

Meet our #FemRhet2017 Social Media Team!

Sweta Baniya

Sweta Baniya

I am from Nepal. Currently, I am a second year PhD student of Rhetoric and Composition at Purdue University. I work to understand how technology is constantly transforming the cultural rhetoric of society especially through the digital narratives that circulates around the world. Additionally, I have been continuously working on exploring the Non-Western Rhetoric by investigating historically marginalized female rhetoricians through songs, texts, cultures, rituals, and arts to understand how they establish their rhetoric of body, sexuality, and talk back to power. And, I also enjoy writing fictions and poems of female sexuality and sexual freedom.

Twitter: @Sunkesharee





Jennifer Burgess

Jennifer Burgess

I am a PhD Candidate in Rhetoric, Composition & Literacy Studies at Ohio State. My current research examines the rhetorical practices and performances of American Catholic women’s groups through the lens of their professional writing. I teach courses in Rhetoric and Composition as well as Business and Technical Writing. As a Graduate Administrative Associate for OSU’s Minor in Professional Writing, I work with students as they prepare writing portfolios for professional placement, offer professional writing workshops to on-campus audiences and collaborate with faculty and staff to promote the program. You can find me on both Twitter and Instagram talking about my intense love for archival work, deep appreciation for  nineteenth-century business handbooks, interesting experiences of being a #gradmom and highs and lows of being a long-distance runner. I am beyond excited to be a member of the #FemRhet17 Social Media Curation Team.

Twitter Handle: @jcburgess25
Instagram Handle: jennifer_2582



Rachel Chapman

Rachel Chapman Daugherty

Hello! I’m a PhD student in Rhetoric and Composition at Texas Christian University, focusing on feminist rhetorics and pedagogy, intersectional feminism, and research methods. I’m interested in women’s roles in academia, particularly how women apply feminist activism to their teaching, research, and administration. My thesis research on how academic women’s clothing choices influenced perceptions of their professional identities revealed the continued gendered hurdles women face; these realities fuel my feminist activist stance toward higher education and my communities. My current research analyzes the rhetorical and composing practices of the 2017 Women’s March on Washington leadership, the circulation of intersectional feminism in public rhetorics, and the ways that feminist teachers enact intersectionality in the writing classroom. When I first came to FemRhets in 2011, I knew I had found my academic home, and I’m grateful and excited to serve as a Social Media Curator this year!

Twitter handle: @rachelbigeyes



Ruby Nancy

Ruby Nancy

I am a third-year PhD student in Rhetoric, Writing, and Professional Communication at East Carolina University, where I focus on genre-fluid writing strategies, queer intersectional feminist rhetorics, and social justice work related to race and economic class. I also earned a graduate certificate in Multicultural and Transnational Literatures from ECU earlier this year.

A first-generation college student and academic, I hold degrees in diverse disciplines and have had a wide-ranging work history: including producing entertainment for LGBTQ pride festivals, engaging in community activism, parenting skills mentoring, owning a café, theater directing and acting, and journalism. This is my Fabulous50 birthday year, and the two threads that run through all my professional work history and scholarship are the act of writing and my personal Unitarian Universalist values. Most recently, I worked as a conference assistant for Console-ing Passions: An International Conference on Gender, Sexuality, and the Media.

Twitter handle: @rubykirknancy




Sherita V. Roundtree

Sherita V. Roundtree

I am a doctoral candidate in the Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy program at The Ohio State University (OSU). I hold degrees in English, Secondary Education from Salisbury University (BA) and in Composition and Rhetoric from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln (MA). My research lies at the intersections of Composition Studies, Black women’s rhetorics, writing program administration, and community-centered pedagogy. Specifically, my dissertation explores the teaching efficacy of and pedagogical resources utilized by Black women graduate teaching assistants’ (GTAs) who teach first- and/or second level composition courses. When I’m not dissertating, I spend time co-leading a writing workshop for teens at a local library. Additionally, as an organizing member of Digital Black Lit and Composition, I work to develop community among and highlight the work of Black graduate students in fields related to English Studies.

Twitter handle: @svroundtree




Laura Tetreault

Laura Tetreault

I am a doctoral candidate in Rhetoric and Composition at the University of Louisville. My research focuses on contemporary social justice rhetorics at the intersection of queer, feminist, and racial justice activism. As part of this work, my dissertation project explores constructions of allyship and accountability in digital activist projects situated in the context of interconnected oppressions. I’ve taught a variety of courses at the University of Louisville and Emerson College, including composition and professional writing, and I have also served as Assistant Director of the University Writing Center at UofL. I received the Gloria Anzaldúa Rhetorician Award from CCCC and am co-editor of the collection Crossing Divides: Exploring Translingual Writing Pedagogies and Programs.

Twitter handle: @latetreault




Karrieann Soto Vega

Karrieann Soto Vega

I am a Doctoral Candidate in Composition and Cultural Rhetoric at Syracuse University’s (SU) Department of Writing Studies, Rhetoric and Composition. I am a Graduate Teaching Assistant in SU’s Department of Women’s and Gender Studies. As a DiaspoRican feminista, I believe it is important to connect struggles across geopolitical location and subject position, through various languages and modalities. My research focuses on revolutionary decolonial rhetorics of Puerto Rican nationalist women, specifically in the figure of Lolita Lebrón. Other research interests include multimodal and multilingual composition practices, as well as sonic rhetorics. Being co-executive producer of This Rhetorical Life has provided a platform for some of this work, and my work can also be found in Peitho; Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Emerging Pedagogies; Present Tense and the Journal of Academic Freedom.

Twitter handle: @KarrieMarieSoto