Entries by jfishman


In a relay race, as a runner nears the teammate to whom she will handoff her baton, she signals her approach by calling out, “Stick!” Different from the stick that pairs with a carrot or the police officer’s truncheon, both instruments of discipline and (potential) violence, the sprinter’s stick is a shared object that changes hands in […]

#thefeministsarecoming to #4C16

Perhaps of course, a conference themed around “writing strategies for action” would bring out the feminist teachers, writers, and strategists in droves! Certainly, one does not have to look long or hard at the conference program to see where and when the feminist action will be taking place. Some of the highlights include: Wednesday, April […]

Be the 1st CWSHRC Digital Media and Outreach Director (1/5/2016)

  The CWSHRC is seeking the organization’s first Digital Media and Outreach Director. Applications are due 1/5/2016. See below for complete details about this exciting new opportunity or download a PDF version of this post. Overview: Over the past several years, digital media use within the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition […]

Be the 1st CWSHRC Archivist and Historian (1/5/2016)

Consider becoming the Coalition’s inaugural Archivist and Historian. See below for complete details about this new position or download a PDF version of this post. Overview: As the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition enjoys its second quarter century, we are pleased to announce the creation of a new two-year […]

Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Get Your Survey Here

In the spirit of back to school, with an echo of schoolhouse rock, we invite you to take our back to school survey, 2015-16 edition. Whether you are in fierce denial regarding the coming academic year, furiously at work on fall syllabi, or packing for a last-chance holiday, this survey will give you something to […]

Lights, Camera, 4C16 Action!

Open Call for Proposals Performing Feminist Action: CWHSRC@4C16 The Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition is an activist organization. Think about it. Twenty-five years ago, how could a learned society dedicated to feminist research, histories of women, and studies of gender and sexuality in rhetoric and composition be anything else? Certainly, the Coalition’s […]

CWSHRC Seeks Web Coordinator

That’s right, Coalition. We have not one but two open website positions. Currently, we are seeking not only a web designer to help reinvent the platform and format for Peitho; we are also seeking a new web coordinator, a webwork maven interested in working with the CWSHRC on a variety of tasks for a two-year […]

CWSHRC seeks Web Designer

The Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition seeks an individual with web experience to help redesign the online platform for its scholarly journal, Peitho. The timeframe for desired work is 1 May to 1 September 2015. Peitho is currently hosted at http://peitho.cwshrc.org and operates on a WordPress platform. Since its conversion to an online peer-reviewed journal, Peitho has elicited a growing […]

Help @CWSHRC Tweet #4C15

Who’s in, Coalition?  The image featured in this post shows a tweet posted by @CWSHRC that reads, “A Q for @CWSHRC #4C15-goers: Who can help tweet our 3/18 6:30pm session? It’s Marriott Salon E—& here, hopefully! .” Below @jcburgess25 replies: “@CWSHRC Looking forward to attending & to tweeting from the session!

Spend 4C15 with Feminists

4C15 approaches, and there are an unprecedented number of incredible sounding sessions and events on the docket. In fact, it is a near-impossible task to choose just one per time slot. That’s where the Coalition can help. 3/18: Spend the day (9-5) at the Feminist Workshop in the Tampa Convention Center, Room 5. This year’s theme […]