Lights, Camera, 4C16 Action!
Open Call for Proposals
Performing Feminist Action: CWHSRC@4C16
The Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition is an activist organization. Think about it. Twenty-five years ago, how could a learned society dedicated to feminist research, histories of women, and studies of gender and sexuality in rhetoric and composition be anything else? Certainly, the Coalition’s founders understood that the personal and professional are political. They also knew the importance of coalitions, of groups that represent, of alliances that capacitate everyone involved to act.
Today’s CWSHRC members share these goals and are eager to share strategies for taking action. To that end, at 4C16 the Coalition will host a Wednesday night Action Hour featuring up to a dozen concurrent micro-workshops or short, interactive lessons in both old and new ways of performing feminist action.
Proposals, including an abstract (140 characters) and description (250-300 words), can be submitted online through Friday, April 24th at 5pm Central: <
Download a copy of this CFP: <4C16-CWSHRC-ActionHourCall2>.
Some As to FAQs about the Coalition’s 4C16 Action Hour
Q: What is a micro-workshop?
A: Micro-workshops are focused and brief, 5- to 10-minute pedagogical interactions that engage participants in hands-on, active learning (i.e., demonstrations, writing on site).
Q: What are some examples of micro-workshops on feminist action?
A: A micro-workshop might teach past feminist actions by staging tableaux of iconic protests or writing new verses of well-known anthems. Micro-workshops might demonstrate actions taken by particular individuals or groups, or they might engage participants in making things: a graffiti wall with messages to a specific audience, Lego or clay models of inclusive spaces, classroom activities that creatively and critically address particular issues, etc. Sky’s the limit—well, almost.
Q: What are the limits?
A: Workshops should take no more than 5-10 minutes from start to finish and involve activities that can be performed either at a round banquet table seating no more than 8-10 people or a 3×3 space. Workshop leaders will need to provide their own materials and equipment.
Q: The CWSHRC is hosting this event: how are H, R, and C involved?
A: Whether micro-workshops focus on past, present, or future feminist actions, workshop leaders should make clear how their workshops draw on one or more traditions of rhetoric and composition.
Q: Who can propose a micro-workshop?
A: Individuals, pairs, and groups of 3 interested in attending 4C16 can propose micro-workshops.
Q: How will proposals be selected?
A: NCTE/CCCC caucuses and groups have been invited to sponsor up to 6 workshops; a committee of Coalition Advisory Board members will select additional workshops (for a total of 12) from proposals received through this open call.
Q: Do I need to be a CWSHRC member to submit a proposal?
A: Individuals and at least one member of pairs and groups responding to this open call must be CWSHRC members; colleagues involved in workshops sponsored by NCTE/CCCC caucuses and groups are encouraged but not required to be members of the Coalition.
Q: Can I participate in the Action Hour and have a speaking role in a regular session?
A: Yes! The CWSHRC session is classified as a SIG, which means participants can also hold speaking roles in regular, Thursday-Saturday sessions.