Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Get Your Survey Here
In the spirit of back to school, with an echo of schoolhouse rock, we invite you to take our back to school survey, 2015-16 edition.
Whether you are in fierce denial regarding the coming academic year, furiously at work on fall syllabi, or packing for a last-chance holiday, this survey will give you something to look forward to: namely a host of upcoming Coalition events and opportunities to be involved.

A 4×4 grid shows silhouetted hands gesturing variously.
Here, I want to highlight one opportunity in particular—or really, up to 45 opportunities linked to the upcoming Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference, which will be at Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ, from October 28-31. This year, the Coalition will again be sponsoring manuscript mentoring, and 45—yes, forty-five—colleagues have signed up, eager for feedback on work in progress, including articles, book chapters, and book proposals. Now, it’s your turn, would-be mentors planning to attend FemRhet. We need 25-45 of volunteers to serve as manuscript mentors for one or two colleagues. You’ll learn more on page 2 of the survey.
We also have open spots on a variety of committees and task forces, as well as a 2015-16 Social Media Team. Too, the survey invites your feedback on the past year plus your suggestions for the year ahead.
So, Coalition, welcome to Academic Year 2015-1016. Please join us in making it a great one! Please, too, don’t forget: FemRhet registration is open, and conferencegoers can join the Coalition at a special, discounted rate. Also, if you’ve been fantasizing about hosting FemRhet, now is the time to apply. Proposals to host the 2017 and 2019 conferences are due August 15th.

A tabby cat, Charlie, inspects a catnip-filled apple.