Denouncing Anti-Asian Rhetoric
Coalition Members and Friends,
I share the statement below on behalf of the Executive Board of the Coalition. I also want to let you know that the Coalition is working to develop online events through which we might identify strategies for responding to the frightening rise in attacks–verbal and physical–on Asian communities and on Asian women in particular (see We welcome your ideas for such events. Please feel free to contact me at the email provided below.
In solidarity,
Wendy Sharer, President
CFSHRC Statement Denouncing Anti-Asian Rhetoric
With hearts heavy from the murders in Atlanta, the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition issues a resounding denouncement of anti-Asian rhetoric and violence.This anti-Asian rhetoric, intensified as a result of the politicization of COVID-19, is particularly dangerous for Asian women, who have long been subjected to misogynistic stereotypes that position them as Othered objects of white male desire and domination. We see and we stand with our Asian colleagues, friends, and families. #stopasianhate