Coalition Curated Guide to #4C19

CCCC’s 2019 is just around the corner and The Feminists Are Coming! As always, the conference program is packed with innovative, critical, creative, and this year especially performative research presentations. We offer this Coalition Curated Guide to #4C19 in order to highlight feminist-related sessions. If you would like us to add a session to this list, Tweet the request to us @CFSHRC.

Before the conference, follow our facebook and twitter pages for updates and reminders. We will also highlight a few sessions.  During the conference, you can also follow along to the #CFSHRC hashtag on twitter. For session location and exact time, be sure to check the CCCC program.

May we also recommend that check out similarly curated lists from Medical Rhetoric, Queer Caucus, DBLAC sponsored eventsAsian/Asian American Caucus.

Conference logo is blue and includes the shadows of a group of people standing together holding signs. The text reads 2019 CCCC Annual Convention Pittsburgh, PA March 13-16, 2019 Performance-Rhetoric, Performance-Composition. and #TheFeministsAreComing

Wednesday Events

W.02 9am-5pm Living Feminist Lives: Materialities, Methodologies, and Practices Inspired by Sara Ahmed, this sponsored workshop explores ways to “live a feminist life” as teachers, administrators, researchers, scholars, and community members. Sponsored by the Feminist Caucus

Wednesday Night Coalition Event

6-8pm Building Out from “The Margins”: New Directions in Intersectionality Sponsored by the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition
Rooms 301-305** — David L. Lawrence Convention Center

Two-part evening session offering panel, roundtable, and mentoring tables on new intersectionalities. All conference goers are welcome to attend. Special Interest Group Chair: Tarez Samra Graban,
Speakers: Heather Brook Adams, Jenny Korn, Lana Oweidat, Sarah Singer.

Thursday Morning

8:30-10am: Chair’s Address by Asao B. Inoue “How Do We Language So People Stop Killing Each Other, or, What Do We Do about White Language Supremacy?”

Join us as we celebrate Cheryl Glenn, who has been awarded the 2019 CCCC Exemplar Award!

A.07 Performing Protest: Resistance Rhetorics and the Minoritarian Response. The panel explores three examples of resistance rhetoric that span both identity categories and time, in Native American, African American, and queer communities. Chair: Brian Fehler. Speakers: Justin Cook, Angela Johnson, Leanne Lentschke.

A.33 Identity Pedagogies of Race, Class, Sexuality, and Gender in Composition Classes. This session calls for the need for opening up spaces in writing pedagogies for undergraduate students to reflect on, engage with, and consider how literacies connected to their identities can help them succeed in higher education. Chair: Emilie Koenig. Speakers: Angela Bilia, S. Brook Corfman, Amanda May, Jeremy Ricketts,

A.39 Imposters, Good Feminists, and Professional Grammar. This presentation will share approaches to problematizing professional documents as performative racial and gendered artifacts. Speakers: Michaelann Nelson, Erin Frost, Robin Gallaher, Chalice Randazzo.

B.07 Whiteness Response (Ability): Rhetorical Performances of White Citizenship, Racial, and Feminist Identities. This is a social justice call on performance-rhetoric demonstrating how we, white scholars, take ownership to wake up—a task often relegated to people of color. Speakers: Amanda Brooks, Robert Cole, Katelyn Stark, Rhea Estelle Lathan.

B.25 Feminist-Rhetoric, Feminist-Composition: Performing Feminisms in/across Institutional Learning Sites. This panel explores three institutional learning sites in which feminism can be enacted as an embodied and epistemic praxis. Speakers: Sara Austin, Julianna Edmonds, Kelly Moreland, Lee Nickoson.

B.37 Spotlight Session: “Walk It Like I Talk It”: Performance Composition in Black Education and Beyond. Digital Black Lit and Composition (DBLAC) members examine performance-composition in popular culture, higher education, and African culture and history. Speakers: Lou Maraj, Khadija Amal Bey, Ashley Sylvester, Landy Watley.

Thursday Afternoon

C.03 “Fast Women in a Slow Church”: A Performative Look at Grailville, a Radical Catholic Feminist Community. Panelists explore the feminist, progressive performance rhetoric of Grailville to consider how this radical community negotiates its agenda within the constraints of the Catholic Church. Speakers: Christine Denecker, Elizabeth (Schickel) Robinson, Kathleen Spada, Lisa Ede.

C.21 Personal Distance and Consent: Performing the Ethical Researcher in a Dynamic Research Process. Consent is a dynamic feature of the research process; vigilant awareness of personal distance between researcher and data enables ethical research. Speakers: Hillary Coenen, Rachel Daugherty, Abigail Oakley/

C.27 Performance-Rhetorics and/as Affective Intensity: Chora, Film, Image, and Narrative. Theorizing various affective intensities associated with scholarly and pedagogical content, we illuminate affect’s role in shaping our intellectual and pedagogical work. Speakers: Cynthia Haynes,Bonnie Lenore Kyburz, April Obrien, Laura Rosche.

C.32 Blackness on Blast: Gendered Bodies in Black Communities. Panelists consider gender and power dynamics in black communities. Speakers: Cheryl Caesar, Brittney Boykins, Temptaous McKoy, Michelle Bachelor Robinson.

C.43 Performances of Personhood. Speakers discuss the perils of performing personhood under conditions of marginalization. Speakers: Judy Holiday, Devon Ralston, Rachael Ryerson

D.06 Paths to Feminist World-Making: Identifying Rhetorics That Address Systemic Sexism. This panel examines feminist Twitter rhetorics and suggests active/ performative responses for writing programs and beyond. Speakers: Krista Sarraf, Katherine Field Rothschild, S Lauren Brentnell.

D.30 Breaking Barriers, Breaking Silences: Performing Feminist Activism. International refugees and victims of sexual abuse perform activism through literate practices. Speakers: Leslie Salas,: Sweta Baniya,Tika Lamsal, Maria Lombard.

D.14 The Powerful Problem of Pedagogy: Impacts of Performativity on Graduate Student Instructors. This roundtable considers the unique performance of graduate student instructors as they navigate their liminal spaces as students and teachers.
Roundtable Leaders: Rena Bradley, Rachelle Joplin, Anthony Box, Kyle Chalker, Justin Dykes, Abby Estillore

D.36 Spotlight Session: Black Disruptive Rhetorics: The Novel, the Public Sphere, and the Classroom. This panel is designed to spark conversations about Black disruptive rhetorics and their potential as a rhetorical force in civic deliberation. 406 Speakers: Mudiwa Pettus, D’Angelo Bridges, Brandon Erby, Gabriel Green.

E.10 Intersectionality, Identity, and Instruction: Problems and Perspectives from inside and beyond the Classroom. Sponsored by the Intersectionality in FYC SIG This panel will take up questions of intersectionality and identity in various academic and cultural spaces in the classroom and on campus. Speakers: Mara Lee Grayson, Sophie Bell, Heather Falconer, Iris Ruiz.

E.21 Performing Feminisms, Performing Design, Designing Feminist Composition. Working from design studies, rhet/comp, and experience architecture, speakers will interrogate design and engage in developing, performing, and enacting feminist action. Speakers: Danielle Nicole DeVoss, Melissa Kaye Forbes, Katie Manthey.

E.22 Queer Performance-Rhetorics of Consent, Naming, and Resistance (Sponsored by the Queer Caucus). This panel takes up issues of queer consent, naming, and resistance as queer performance-rhetorics, embodied actions by and for LGBTQ2SIA+ identities and communities. Chair and Speaker: Becca Hayes. Additional speakers: Wilfredo Flores, Kathleen Livingston

E.43 Performing Intersectionality in First-Year Composition: Queer Theory, Feminism, and Embodiments. This session advocates using queer theory and feminism in first-year writing pedagogies for creating classroom communities of equity that explore social justice in collaborative and digital spaces. Chair: Steven Accardi. Speakers: Alison McIntosh, Jesse Rice-Evans, Robyn Rowley, Andréa Stella,

TSIG.10 Women’s Network SIG Sponsored by the Feminist Caucus. The goal of the session is to provide CCCC members with an opportunity and safe space to discuss the status of women in the field with respect to a variety of working conditions and issues related to gender and workplace equity. Speaker: Violet Dutcher.

Friday Morning

F.16 Spotlight Session: Feminist Archival Research: Performance, Ethics, and Remixing the Past. Building on established feminist research and methodologies, this roundtable explores new questions about how we perform the complexities and ethical dimensions of feminist historiographic research.Speakers: Tobi Jacobi, Laura Rogers, Reva Sias, Jennie Vaughn, Jessica Enoch.

F.30 Speaking Out, Hearing Out. Panelists analyze queer and gendered public-facing rhetorical venues. Speakers: Brandon Erby, Christiane Boehr, Allison Bohn, Rachel Lewis.

F.33 Crossing Boundaries and Constructing Liminal Spaces. This panel explores how parody of queer protests, museum archaeology, and Civil War women’s combat discourse all create liminal spaces of rhetorical performance. Speakers: Cory Geraths, Kate Litterer, Katherine Musick

G.02 Spotlight Session: With Unapologetic Pride: A Performance of Disruptive Narrations of Marginalized Graduate Students in the Academy. Due to the onslaught of “woke” allies and media, this panel seeks to destabilize the dominant discourse and reclaim their experiences through personal narratives. Chair: Rhea Estelle Lathan. Speakers: Liana Clarke, Eric Pitman, Teigha VanHester

G.14 Counter-Performances in the Archives. Panel explores decolonial, feminist, queer, and pedagogical approaches to countering the archive’s performances of power. Speaker: Pamela VanHaitsma, Jeff Nagel, Ashley Rea,  Haley Schneider, Emily Smith.

G.28 Performing Feminist Writing Pedagogies in 21st-Century Classrooms. Panelists will share challenges in enacting feminist writing pedagogy, then pose questions to room for whole-group problem-solving and discussion. Speakers: Holly Hassel, Heather Brook Adams, David Gold, Charlotte Hogg, Jennifer Mallette, Shari Stenberg, Karrieann Soto Vega.

G.31Three Ripples on Performance: Across Authorship, Transgenre, and Dramatism. Our panel seeks to account for performance qualities of transgenre composing, audience-authorship, and Burke’s pentad. Chair: Lane Davey. Speakers: Gemma Cooper-Novack, Kristin LaFollette, Valerie Vancza

G.37 Spotlight Session: After Plato: Performing Ethical Theories and Practices Six rhetorical scholars draw upon diverse traditions—feminist, Confucian, transnational, classical, and virtue-based—to address questions of how to perform ethics in scholarship and teaching. Chair and Speaker: John Duffy. Additional speakers: Lois Agnew, Rasha Diab, Gesa Kirsch, Jacqueline Jones Royster, Bo Wang

H. Annual Meeting of CCCC Feminist Caucus. The Feminist Caucus advocates for issues of feminist concern in the profession. At the annual meeting, we report on recent activity and set yearly goals. Caucus Chairs: Holly Hassel, Kate Pantelides

H.05 Remaking Spaces through Critical Performances. This panel brings together performative rhetorics, bodies, and spaces to discuss methods for addressing social issues, inequalities, and injustices. Phil Bratta, Christina V. Cedillo, Danielle Donelson, André Habet.

H.14   Spotlight Session: Anxiety and Authenticity, Possibilities and Risks: What Really Happens in a Performance-Based Classroom? This roundtable and app-assisted audience discussion raises questions about performance-rhetoric/composition, authenticity, and how it can be framed in terms of rhetorical history and classroom practice. Speakers: Meredith Love, Lindsey Banister, Brenda Helmbrecht.

H.20 Resuscitating Recognitions through Decolonial, Apparent, Feminist Performances. This panel models how recognition might be given new life and new possibilities through decolonial, apparent, feminist performances that resuscitate recognition in scholarship and teaching. Speakers: Kellie Sharp-Hoskins,Kelly Medina-Lopez, Kelly Whitney.

H.32 Examining Activist Performances through Key African American Figures. This session focuses on two key historical figures and one key modern figure making history as situated examples of rhetorical activism. Speakers: Patricia Poblete, Lindsey Spring, Lexi Walston, Colleen Wilkowski.

H.46 Spotlight Session: Our Liberation Wasn’t Never Gon’ Be Televised . . . Black News Ain’t Fake. We use oral histories and archival research grounded in methodological and theoretical frameworks derived from inside Black communities. Speakers: Khirsten Echols, Brandon Erby, Rhea Estelle Lathan.

Friday Afternoon

I.20 Speculative Performativity: Fostering Rupture, Disorientation, and Imagination This panel theorizes performativity within a speculative/material feminist framework in order to imagine generative classroom practices that foster a rupture from discursive norms. Speakers: Rebecca Conklin, Imad Mkhaiel, Jacqueline Rhodes, Tania de Sostoa-McCue,

I.32 Histories of Educational Practices and Their Impact on Marginalized People Groups. This panel explores the history of literacy and rhetorical instruction at minority-serving institutions. Speakers: Shakil Rabbi, Joyce Rain Anderson, Katherine Fredlund, Sue Mendelsohn.

I.43  Intersectional Woke: Labor of Antiracism and Antisexism Sponsored by the Labor Caucus Feminist scholars approach gender through an intersectional lens where gender is considered as it intersects with race, ethnicity, citizenship, sexuality, age, and, significantly, labor. Speakers: Rebecca Dingo, Dayna Goldstein, Mitzi Jones, Rachel Riedner, Jennifer Wingard

J.02 Performing a Public Faith: Studying the Mundane, the Feminine, and the Digital Sponsored by the Rhetoric and Religious Traditions Standing Group This panel examines how underrepresented voices—women, LGBTQ+ persons, racialized groups—are encouraged to contribute to the performance of public faith through digital communities. Chair: Michael-John DePalma. Speakers: Shauna Chung, Victoria Houser, April O’Brien

J.03 Crip-Queering Our Relations: Embodied Performance and/of the Everyday. We examine rhetorical scenes of embodied performances that bristle against norms and decorum, with specific focus on intersections among disability, queerness, and racialization. Chair and Speaker: Melanie Yergeau. Additional speakers: Olivia Ordonez, Kelly Wheeler, Esther Witte

J.19 Leave No Woman Behind: Contraindications and Complications in the Rhetorics of Womanhood. This panel interactively explores the complications of rhetorics of womanhood and the conflicts inherent in imposed and self-assumed identities of women in academia.  Speakers: Brandie Bohney, Renee Ann Drouin,Bailey Poland, Tammie Southall, Lena Ziegler.

J.37 Spotlight Session: Queer Listening as/is/and Critical Performance: Notes on Queer Rhetorics and Queer Composing. Provides theoretical and pedagogical resources for understanding queer listening as a rhetorical act and what it might mean for critical literacy and Writing. Speakers: Gavin Johnson, Timothy Oleksiak, James Swider.

J.44 “Women’s Writing as Imperfect Labor: Poetic, Mindful, and Empathetic Practice”
Speakers: Lisa Blankenship, Anna Floch-Arcello, Paula Mathieu, Respondent: Jessica Restaino

FSIG.18 Queer Caucus Business Meeting. Sponsored by the Queer Caucus. Group Leaders: G. Patterson, Jacqueline Rhodes


K.16 Performing “Up” Motherhood to Navigate Competing Roles. Arguing that mothering is a complicated, underappreciated performance, this panel explores actionable strategies for supporting academic mothers to “play up” (rather than downplay) their motherhood. Speakers: Kathryn Swacha, April Conway, Heather Dorn, Megan Titus.

K.17 Familial and Community (De/Re)Formations: (Performing) Stories of Familial, Racial, and Sexual Dis/re/orientation. This roundtable emphasizes the ways we queer, resist, unravel, perform, and rewrite possibilities for womanhood and the ways we family and build community. Chair and Roundtable Leader: Trixie Smith. Speakers: Elise Dixon, Kate Firestone, Bree Gannon, Hillery Glasby, Rachel Robinson

K.31 Performing Feminist Historiography. This panel uses feminist theory to explore humor, history, and memory. Speakers: Jason Tham, Heather Buzbee, Tiffany Kinney, Erica Lange.

L.02 Bodies Out Loud: Teacher Activism as Feminist Performance Countering public rhetoric of maternal selflessness aimed at devaluing education, teacher activists perform their bodies and professions to reframe a national narrative. Speakers: Sara Cooper, Christina McGee, Rebecca Shelton

L.13 Past and Future Performances of Intersectionality and Technofeminism across Three Decades of Computers and Composition: A Roundtable Discussion. This interactive roundtable assesses rhetorical performances of intersectional and technofeminist scholarship across three decades of Computers and Composition. Speakers: Lori Beth De Hertogh, Liz Lane, Jessica Ouellette, Danielle Nicole DeVoss.

L.15 Flipping the Career Script: Performing Motherhood across and against Traditional Academic Labor Narratives. This roundtable discusses performing as mother/parent scholar across various career stages and calls for institutionalized change to traditional academic career trajectories and timelines. Speakers: Natalie Szymanski, Kate Bradley, Jessica Jorgenson Marisa Klages-Bombich. Sara Bartlett Large, Jenn Marlow, Courtney Patrick-Weber.

L.23 Performing Queerly: An Independent Writing Department’s Pursuit of Radical Diversity in Digital Composing. Stories, data, and methods for scaffolding digital media studies in a queer performance framework at a large, standalone writing and rhetoric department. Speakers: Jeremiah Dyehouse, Lehua Ledbetter, Stephanie West-Puckett

L.27 Queer Performance Identities and Writing: Challenging Traditional Ideas in Pedagogy, Genre, Rhetorical Theory, and Methodology. This session examines how queer performance identities such as drag performance, and narratives of self-identifying queer students can challenge and open up new possibilities in traditional conceptual boundaries in writing studies. Speakers: Diann Baecker, Joshua Barsczewski, Jax Kinniburgh, Lauren Picard,

L.34 Racing Performance An inquiry into the intersection of race, racialized performance, and identity. Speakers: Brenda Aghahowa, Frankie Condon, Mathew Sillito, University of Utah

M.04 Dear ________: Letter-Writing and a Cross-Caucus Performance of Intersectionality. A cross-caucus roundtable that explores letter-writing as a means of establishing substantive and enduring collaborations among the many interest groups of our profession. Speakers: David Green, Ames Hawkins, Jo Hsu, Ersula Ore, Iris Ruiz.

M.15 Ancient and Contemporary Embodied Rhetorical Performances on the Global Stage. This panel presents research results in global rhetorical performances, including ancient and contemporary political and gendered concepts and practices. Speakers: Tarez Samra Graban, Wu Hui, Zoe Carney, Trey Conner, Iklim Goksel, Rima Gulshan, Keith Lloyd, Hui Wu.

M.20 Performing Pedagogical Ancestors: bell hooks, Gertrude Stein, and Mother Jones. This panel explores the way three radical feminist scholar-teachers perform aspects of our ideological, intellectual, and cultural ancestors through teaching and research. Performers: Stephanie Parker, Krystin Gollihue, Margaret Holloway.

M.21 Three Takes on Queer Praxis: Identity, Joy, and Pedagogy. This panel takes up queer pedagogical performativity to present three perspectives on praxis concerning Queer Joy and creative epistemological possibilities in higher education. Speakers: Mary (Molly) Booth, Joshua Heerter, Adam Mooney.

N.16 Performing Relationality, Collaboration, and Vulnerability in the Forum: An Anti-Performance to Norms in Academia That Produce Shame, Isolation, and Trauma. The effectiveness of small accountability groups for the development of graduate students and early career faculty with an emphasis on performativity. Chair: Ashley Barry. Speakers: Marcos Del Hierro, Danielle Lavendier, Lauren Short.

N.17 Micro-Mentoring and Macro-Mentoring: Advice-Giving as/for Academic Labor. This roundtable will offer brief topical talks on mentoring and the additional opportunity for participants to network. Speakers: Stephanie Kerschbaum, Kristine Blair, Jennifer Clary-Lemon, Holly Hassel, Lauren Rosenberg, Christine Tulley.

N.28 Performing Disruptive Feminism. Panelists consider a variety of disruptive feminist performances as forms of social activism. Speakers: Yvette Chairez, Bonnie Markowski, Bianca Sabia, Simone Wilson, Courtney Adams Wooten.

N.40 The Intersectional Syllabus: Transnational, Transcultural, Translingual, Feminist, Antiracist. From conceptual grounds to syllabus design to classroom practice, panelists explore performance pedagogy in action in the writing classroom. Speakers: Spencer Bennington, Rachel McCabe, Andrea McCrary, Jasmine Wade.