Peitho Journal Seeks First Web Coordinator
Peitho, the flagship journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition (CFSHRC), seeks its first web coordinator to serve a 2-year term (May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2020). As part of a highly collaborative editorial team, the web coordinator will work with Peitho’s editors to upload each issue of the journal (currently published twice per year), archive past issues, help remediate the annual 4C Wednesday night SIG into a digital format, and liaise with the Coalition’s general web coordinator as needed.Qualifications
We seek applications from graduate students, faculty, and/or independent scholars committed to helping Peitho maintain and expand its strong presence in the field through digital means. All applications will be considered, but strong candidates will have the following qualifications:
• Knowledge of InDesign for page layout;
• Knowledge of WordPress themes;
• Knowledge of webpage building in HTML or CSS;
• Knowledge of using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to move/migrate content to our secure server;
• Strong English language skills;
• Strong record of collaboration and/or teamwork;
• Ability to meet deadlines;
• Commitment to serving the CFSHRC, which is the intellectual home of a diverse and growing group of scholars whose interests span histories of studies in gender and sexuality and feminist research in rhetoric and composition.
To Apply
Coalition members are encouraged to apply, but applicants need not be current members. Interested candidates should submit a brief letter of interest and current resume or CV with references. Materials should be emailed to Bo Wang by March 1, 2018.
Compensation is $500 over a two-year term, plus complementary registration once a year at a conference where the CFSHRC has a strong presence (e.g., CCCC, FemRhet, RSA, etc.).