Webinar: Asian Women and the Model Minority Myth in North America (1/18/21)
Please join us for this important event, a part of the Coalition’s Feminist Scholarship Webinar Series!
Tuesday, January 18, 4:30-6:00 PM Eastern Time
Registration is required. Please register using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtceqgpz4sGNOboyD3F_P2tBVrFAOnCqEM
From the recent mass shooting in Atlanta, to the high profile case of Brock Turner, to the historic discrimination against Asian women in North American immigration policy, violence against Asian women is part of the legacy of racism and white supremacy in the United States and Canada. One of the stereotypes that this legacy draws upon is the Model Minority myth, which is the idea that Asians are quiet good minorities who exceed at all levels: academically, economically, professionally. This panel explores and reflects on the harm created by the Model Minority myth in shaping constructions of gender/sexuality of Asian women.
Session Leaders:
Dr. Kim Hong Nguyen (she/they): Moderator, Associate Professor Communication Arts University of Waterloo
Dr. Thy Phu (she/her): Distinguished Professor of Race, Diaspora and Visual Justice in the Department of Arts, Culture, and Media at the University of Toronto, Scarborough
Dr. Jennifer Sano-Franchini (she/her): incoming (2022) Gaziano Family Legacy Professor of Rhetoric and Writing Studies at West Virginia University
Nisha Shanmugaraj (she/her): fourth year PhD Candidate in Rhetoric at Carnegie Mellon University, Winner of the Coalition’s Shirley Wilson Logan Diversity Scholarship Award
Dr. Shui-Yin Sharon Yam (she/her): Associate Professor of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies at the University of Kentucky