Feminist scholars who have recently defended their dissertations, please submit your projects to the CFSHRC’s Presidents Dissertation Award!
Here are the details:
Eligibility: Any doctoral dissertation that engages feminist histories, theories, and/or pedagogies of rhetoric and composition and is completed within appropriate time frames (see below) is eligible for this award.
For the 2024 Award: Any PhD dissertation completed (defended and filed/deposited with the institution) between 6/1/2023 and 5/31/2024 is eligible.
Nomination Contact and Procedures: The deadline for nominations for the next award cycle (the 2024 Award), including self-nomination, is June 15, 2024. Nominees should submit an electronic copy of the completed dissertation in its final form, as it was submitted to the author’s (or authors’) home institution to Jess Enoch, Immediate Past President, at jenoch1@umd.edu. Please also provide documentation of completion, including date of submission/deposit to the institution.
The 2024 award recipient(s) will be invited to receive their awards at the 2025 Conference on College Composition and Communication.