#FemRhet 2017 Recap: Day 2

By Sherita Roundtree and Laura Tetreault

Day two of the 11th Biennial Feminisms and Rhetorics invited conference goers to begin their day with an early morning #FemRhetYoga session led by Sara Moseley, where “everybody & everybody” was welcome. A series of concurrent sessions in the morning led to three plenary sessions during lunch. The plenaries centralized one aspect from the conference theme (“Rhetorics, Rights, (R)evolutions”) by recognizing Berkenkotter, Enos, and Swearingen as feminist rhetorical studies foremothers; understanding “the intersection of academic and public feminist rhetorical practices”; and revisiting the history of the relationship between the Coalition and the conference while imagining its future. After an afternoon of more concurrent sessions and a meet and greet sponsored by the Medical Rhetoric community, the evening ended with a beautiful evening reception at the Dayton Art Institute. We look forward to an exciting day three of the conference and continuing to follow the conversations on social media. #FemRhet2017

The day started off with some FemRhet Yoga led by Sarah Moseley.

Today’s lunch plenaries featured feminist scholars and activists discussing histories of feminist work and ways forward:

Mentoring traditions continued at FemRhet this year:

This afternoon there was a featured panel by DBLAC (http://dblac.org/) on Black Women’s Multivalent Resistances to Marginalization:

This evening, at the reception at the Dayton Art Institute, we celebrated 20 years of Feminisms and Rhetorics:

Beautiful evening celebrating #20yearsoffemrhet #FemRhet2017

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Here is the Storify for Day Two of #FemRhet2017 on Twitter!

Embed code for Storify to include in blog post (compiling twitter posts from Thurs):

[URL for Storify (twitter): https://storify.com/laura_tetreault/thursday-feminisms-and-rhetorics]