Coalition Curated Guide to #4C17

Here is your handy-dandy coalition curated guide to CCCC!cccc2017_blog

We have collected a list of over 30 CCCC presentations featuring coalition members and/or feminist related material. Let’s support each other’s feminist work by attending some of the panels. While there, be sure to add to the back channel with the hashtags #cfshrc and #thefeministsarecoming and #femU.

You still have time to sign up for the feminist workshop on Wednesday!!



Feminist Workshop, Intersectionality within Writing Programs and Practices
Wednesday, March 15, 9am-5pm, Room F152, Follow our live tweet at #4c17FemWk

CFSHRC “Building Sustainable, Capable Lives, or Tilting at Windmills? An Evening of Action and Mentoring” Wednesday 6:30-8:30pm, Portland Ballroom 252, #WSIG02 #thefeministsarecoming


Rebekah Sims, Sarah Dwyer, Lee Hibbard, Queering Our Spaces: Cultivating Institutional Support for Queer/LGBTQ+ Composition Scholars, Think Tank – Queering Our Spaces: Cultivating Institutional Support for Queer/LGBTQ+ Composition Scholars, Thursday, 10:30am, Portland Ballroom 251, #A02

Jessica Enoch, Suzanne Bordelon, Cristina Ramirez, Bo Wang, “Women’s Ways of Making Histories: Complicating Feminist Rhetorical Historiography,” Thursday 10:30 am, Room C124

Christine Martorana, Patricia Fancher, Nicole Ashanti McFarlane, Anne-Marie Womack, Dev Bose, Designing while Feminist: Composing an inclusive practice of digital design, Thursday 10:30 am, Portland Ballroom 254, #A42

Ruby Nancy, Audre and Gloria Made Me Do It: Queering Genres, Translinguality, and Multivocality in Writing Studies Scholarship, (Trans)lingual and -national Perspectives in Writing Studies, Thursday 10:30am, Room A103, #A46

Cultivate and Think Tank Session: “Cultivating Rhetorics of Interruption as Feminist Praxis in Rhetoric and Composition Studies,” Thursday 12:15pm, Portland Ballroom 252, #B01

Lisa Mastrangelo, ”Subverting the Rhetorical Paradigm: The Photography of Evelyn Cameron and the Difficulty of the ‘Exceptional Woman’ Myth,” Cultivating New Capacities for Action: Women Rhetors and Multimodal Rhetoric in the Early-20th Century,Thursday 12:15PM, Room A105, #B18

Victor Del Hierro, Rebecca Hayes, Vani Kannan, “Pedagogy, Place, and Public Memory: Cultivating Feminist, Hip-Hop, and Queer Archival Research Methodologies” Thursday 1:45, Room C123, #C06

Letizia Guglielmo, Annette Powell, Cindy Moore, Peggy O’Neill, Elizabeth Wardle “Cultivating Feminist Leadership in Writing Programs and Beyond.” Thursday 1:45, Room F151, #C13

Charlotte Hogg, Joy Ritchie, Kate Ronald, Shari Stenberg. Furthering Available Means: Gathering Women’s and Feminist Rhetorics to Cultivate Capacity and Create Change, Thursday, 1:45pm, Portland Ballroom 253, #C17

Jessica Enoch, Michelle Smith, Pamela VanHaitsma, “Cultivating Feminist Pedagogical Approaches to Digital Archives” Thursday 1:45, Room B116, #C32

Oriana Gatta, “(Un)McClouded Confict: Comics and/as Critical Pedagogy” Considering Comics in College Composition and Communication, Thursday 1:45pm, Room C121, #C51

Cultivate and Think Tank Session. “Working and Getting Worked: An Interactive, Decolonial, Queer, and Feminist Roundtable on Labor in Rhetoric and Composition” Thursday 3:15pm, Portland Ballroom 256, #D01

Risa Applegarth “Queer Genre Work, Genre Activists,” Thursday 3:30pm, Room A108, #D11

Liz Lane, “Viral Implications of Social Justice Discourse: New Media Activists Cultivating Voices of Change Cultivating a Critical Approach to Social Media in Rhetoric and Writing Studies” Thursday, March 16 at 3:15 PM, Convention center, D138, #D35
Tammie Kennedy, Queer Film and Producing Public Memory for The Queer Omaha Archives, Queer Archives, Producing Public Memory, and Activism, Thursday 315pm, Room E 145, D 39

Jessica Restaino, “Method Lost and Found: Risk, Uncertainty, Knowledge-Making” “Innovation, Adaptation, Transparency: Creating Change in Writing Research Methodologies,” Thursday 3:15, Room E141, #D49

Think Tank on Equity in CCCC. “Cultivating a More Equitable Professional
Organization” Thursday 4:45pm, Portland Ballroom 254, #E03

Marie Parietti, Meaghan Brewer, Cassandra Groen, Mary McCall, Lisa McNair, Sean Moxley-Kelly, Engineering Communication and the Professional Identities of Women in Engineering, Sponsored by the Writing and STEM Standing Group, Thursday 4:45pm,Room F150 , #E05


Katie Manthey, Embodying Professional Writing: “‘So, I’m Thinking About Getting a Tattoo…” Embodying Activism: Cultivating Rhetorical Strategies as Marginalized Bodies,” Thursday 4:45pm, Room F149, #E45

Anna Sicari, “The Aim of Out in the Center: Cultivating Change through Public Controversies and Private Struggles” Thursday, 445pm, Oregon Convention Center, #E147

Iris Ruiz, “The Subject of Decoloniality: Walter Mignolo and the Study of Writing,” Friday 8:00am, Portland Ballroom 258, #F37

Elizabeth Imafuji, ”To the King and Councell”: Situating Early Quaker Women’s Petitions to Authorities,” Friday, 8am, Portland Ballroom Lobby, F. Poster Sessions

Lynee Lewis Gaillet, “’The Fixer’ Cultivating Leadership On and Off Campus: A Roundtable with Senior Administrators,” Friday, 9:30, Portland Grand Ballroom 253, #G01

Katja Thieme (co-presenter: Mary Ann Saunders), How Do You Wish to Be Cited? How Trans Scholars Change How We Think about Citation Translating Inclusivity in Technical Communication, Friday 9:30am, Room C122, #G10

Rachel Chapman, Feminist Seeking Classroom Research: Tracing Studies of Feminist Pedagogy in Writing Courses, Engaging Pedagogies, Friday 9:30am, Room C125, #G35

Paige Banaji, Jennifer Burgess, Carolyn Skinner, Amy Stolley, “Feminist Historiography: Uncovering Rhetorical Activism” Friday 9:30am, Room B111, #G38

Karen Carter, Lydia McDermott, Jessica Ouellette, Lana Oweidat, “Cultivating Transnational Feminist Critique: The Rhetoric of Human Rights under Scrutiny” Friday 11AM, Room B119, #H08

Jason Barrett-Fox, Jean Bessette, Sarah Hallenbeck, “Framing Rhetorical Failure, Cultivating Feminist Engagement” Friday 12:30pm, Portland Ballroom 256, #I22

Megan Faver Hartline, Cultivating Architectures of Participation for Community Writing Cultivating Participatory Community Writing, Friday, 12:30, Room A104, #I35

Erika Sparby, “Meming/Counter-Meming: Remixing Negative Memes to Deconstruct Stereotypes,” Manipulating Virtual Environments, Friday 2pm, Room B111, #J11

Erin Frost, Sociomedico Slippage: Consent and Digital Medical Imaging Reproductive Discourses as Sites for Rhetorical Cultivation of Social Action, Friday 2, Room E143, #J.41

Meaghan Elliott Dittrich, Food Literacies: the rhetoric of meal-kits and how they cultivate culinary capabilities , Rhetoric and Community Engagement: Implications for Food and Nutrition, Friday, 2:00, Room B110, #J44

Keri Mathis, Developing Capacity for Diverse Research Practices in the Archives Nourishing the self, Cultivating the archives, Enriching the public: Sustaining the work of Royster, Rohan, and Kirsch, Friday 2pm, Room D 135, #J53

Tarez Samra Graban, Linked Women Pedagogues Project: Intellectual Encounters as Digital Epistemology Interrogating History in the Interspaces: Rhetoric, Composition, and Metadata Tools, Friday 3/17 3:30, Room D136, #K23

Women’s Network SIG. “Cultivating and Enriching the Values of Care in Our Profession” Friday 6:30-7:30pm, Room A109

Standing Group on the Status of Women in the Profession, Business Meeting 7:30-8:30pm, Room A109.


Elizabeth Fleitz, All Your Font Are Belong to Us: Gaming in the Late Age of Print, Type Matters: On the Rhetoricity of Letterforms, Saturday, 10:45AM, Room D 137. #L22

Candace Zepeda, “Chicana Feminist Thought as a Methodology to Cultivate Cultural, Political, and Social Inquiry in and out of the Composition Classroom” Perspectives on Identity and Inquiry, Saturday 10:45AM, Room D134, #L26

Tamika Carey, Hillary Coenen, Sonya Gonzales. Writing Feminisms Online, on Bodies, and in Life Writing, Saturday 12:15. Room D133, #M07

Did we miss a feminist presentation? If so, email the presentation info to Trish Fancher at pfancher @ writing . ucsb .edu