Apply to serve on the advisory board for the CFSHRC!

Who? You! Any CFSHRC member can apply to serve on the advisory board: grad students, K-12 teachers, early career faculty, community college faculty, advanced faculty, emerita faculty, and alt-ac members. 

What? The CFSHRC advisory board is composed of 30 elected members. Seven (7) AB members serve on the executive board as the president, vice president, immediate past president, secretary, treasurer, grad student rep, and at-large rep. At least two AB members must be graduate students when elected. Applicants are elected by the current advisory board.

Where? The AB meets annually on the Wednesday of Cs, immediately before the CFSHRC’s evening event. It also meets at Feminisms and Rhetorics. These conference-based meetings are hybrid, meaning Board members can attend in-person or virtually. Moreover, the AB occasionally meets virtually to discuss motions and new business.

Why? Apply because you’ve already served on a CFSHRC committee, attended Feminisms and Rhetorics, and/or interacted with Coalition activities, and now you want to serve in a formal capacity. Apply because you want to shape future projects sponsored by the Coalition. Apply because you want to collaborate with other feminist scholars in the history of rhetoric and composition. Apply because you want to sustain and grow feminist work in rhetoric and composition studies as a voting member of the Coalition.

Ideally, applicants have previously served the Coalition in other capacities such as working the accessibility table at Feminisms and Rhetorics, peer reviewing for Peitho, serving on award and/or other Coalition committees, serving as ex officio positions such as archivist, conference site host, or other meaningful contributions. That said, all are welcome to apply, and all elected advisory board members will receive mentoring from a current AB member to help transition onto the advisory board.

When? Applications are due February 1, 2024. Election results will be announced at the CFSHRC event at the Cs 2024, and elected members would serve 3-year terms (renewable one time) beginning April 15, 2024.

How? Fill out the Google form:

If you have questions or concerns, contact the Coalition Vice President, Becca Richards, at