Call for Applications: The Shirley Wilson Logan Diversity Scholarship Award

Dear Colleagues,

Are you planning to attend Feminisms and Rhetorics 2025 and need travel funding? If so, read this call for applications for the Shirley Wilson Logan Diversity Scholarship to presenters at the 2025 Feminisms and Rhetorics conference in Durham, New Hampshire. Please apply and/or circulate! See details below.


The purpose of the Shirley Wilson Logan Diversity Scholarship award is to encourage feminist scholarship (particularly historical in nature) by graduate scholars from diverse and historically un or underrepresented groups.  The award will be given to first-time presenters at the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference. The award includes both a monetary award ($500 each for up to 6 awardees) and participation in a specially designated session at the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference.


As an organization, we are defining un/underrepresented groups as:

  • Scholars of diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds
  • International scholars
  • Scholars who identify as LGBTQIA
  • Scholars with disabilities
  • Graduate scholars who were first-generation undergraduates

In addition, scholars must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be a first-time presenter at the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference
  2. Be a member of the Coalition at the time of application
  3. Have an already accepted presentation for the conference
  4. Have firm plans to attend the conference (scholars who do not attend will forfeit the financial compensation for the award)

Review Criteria

The goal of the award is diversity and inclusion of underrepresented scholars vs. topics (as long as the work itself falls within the broader category of feminist rhetorical studies). Please keep this in mind as you submit your materials.

How to Apply

The next award will be conferred in 2025. The application deadline the 2025 Feminisms and Rhetorics conference is March 28, 2025. Applicants should submit a completed application form, a letter of recommendation for the award, a current CV, and a copy of their conference acceptance and confirmation. Please direct application materials and any questions to Jess Enoch Immediate Past President (